MPA’s Board of Trustees is welcoming four new trustees whose first terms begin in July: Bob King, Zoe Dickson, Kathleen Lamey, and Tom Hockert. They bring a breadth of leadership skills, diverse competencies and experiences, and a history of dedication to MPA. We are grateful for their interest and willingness to serve!

We also honor the incredible work of departing trustees Robin Brooksbank, Lori Tapani, and Beth Averbeck who have brought their wisdom and dedication to all aspects of the board over the last six to seven years. We thank them for their service and insightful counsel.

Finally, as part of the Board’s strategic collaboration with Dr. Hudson, the board’s Executive Committee will be using Survey Monkey to solicit feedback on Dr. Hudson’s leadership during this school year. Consistent with our Head of School Evaluation Plan, this year we will send the survey to a sampling of parents. If you are a recipient, we would greatly appreciate your responding. Of course, anyone desiring to share thoughts about our Head of School’s leadership should feel free to share them with the board through the current board co-chairs, Nan Etzwiler (at or Tamra Anderson (at

Thank you!

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