It was quite wonderful to see 27068224506_e25abb11dc_kppso many parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends at the Spring Auction—Night at the Museum on Saturday night. How appropriate that this important event took place at the Science Museum of Minnesota. Like the museum, MPA is committed to fostering a quest for knowledge and cultivating curiosity in a joyful, hands-on environment. It was a wonderful place to celebrate the very best of MPA, including our welcoming community. I hope you had as much fun as Ross and I did.

I am happy to share that the sold out event was wildly successful, raising $142,000 to directly support our students and the exceptional faculty and staff who work with them each day. This means that MPA can further invest in our talented and dedicated teachers. This makes small classes possible. This results in science, reading, and math resources, as well art and music offerings that many public schools simply cannot afford.

In addition, our Fund a Need raised $114,000 in just 15 minutes and will make the renovation of our bathrooms a reality this summer. Built in the 1950s, significant upgrades, including new flooring, fixtures, lighting, and sinks, will now take place. Your partnership with the school in addressing this pressing need is a wonderful example of what we can accomplish when we work together.

I want to extend a special thank you to the Spring Auction Committee and volunteers who carefully and thoughtfully planned this event and for the long hours spent to ensure that all of us had a memorable evening. In particular, I am very grateful to our two co-chairs, Summer Johnson and Sheri Lyons. This was the second consecutive Spring Auction they’ve chaired, planning an event that is as enjoyable as it is successful.

More than a fundraiser, the Spring Auction builds community. I had the honor of standing in front of you and seeing some of the wonderful people who form this community. As I looked out over the crowd, I saw the faces of your children reflected in your eyes, heard the echo of their laughter in your voices, and couldn’t help but smile. The joy I witnessed in the room on Saturday night is the joy we experience each day at Mounds Park Academy.

The Spring Auction is also a celebration of all that MPA is and all that it will be. It is a recognition and reflection of our commonly held values—our belief in children and our hope in the future.

MPA is more than just a school, it is a community. It is a community that accepts and loves children for who they are, warmly embraces their uniqueness, and empowers them to live lives of meaning and purpose. Ultimately, it is a reflection of you. I am in awe of your generosity. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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