Students and families receive in-depth, personalized assistance planning for college from MPA’s Office of College Counseling. The focus is always on finding the right fit for each student, taking into account many factors. The Class of 2016 will attend 33 colleges and universities in 19 states plus the District of Columbia. How each student came to their final choice is unique, so we’re sharing some of their personal stories here.


Kaytlyn Rowen chooses Otterbein KaytlynUniversity

I’ve been riding since I was five and really wanted to continue training with my horse, Song, throughout college—finding a school that would allow me to do that was really important to me. My search began by sorting through schools, creating a list of about 30 that had equestrian facilities on or near the campus. The first time I visited Otterbein University I immediately fell in love and knew it was where I wanted to study.

The school’s barn only offers four stalls per grade level, so next up was Song’s college application! I sent a short essay regarding my future plans, a comprehensive list of my show record, and two videos of me riding. She was accepted! I am so thankful and excited to be able to continue training and to begin equine pre-veterinary medicine.


Tom Loving chooses Montana State UniversityIMG_2343web

What a wild ride these last few months of college searching has been. I started out thinking about following in my siblings’ footsteps and going to the University of Kansas, but then quickly decided to forge my own path.

I knew from a young age I wanted to study engineering. Beginning with a list of more than 20 top engineering schools, I narrowed it down to five. A few months later, I had received offers of admission from all five and it was time to make some difficult choices.

Working with Ms. Pederson and giving it a lot more thought, I was able to narrow the list to two great choices. I was left with what felt like an impossible decision. So, I did what any bright MPA student would do, I flipped a coin. It instantly confirmed that Montana State University was the right choice for me because it was a community I could live in with a rigorous engineering program that will challenge me. I could not be more excited.

MPA has been preparing me for this journey for the last four years. Because of my great teachers and a community that wants me to succeed, I am ready. Go Panthers! Go Bobcats!


Jenny Portis chooses CarletonJenny

To put it simply, my college decision was pleasantly stressful. I have the outstanding faculty and academic rigor at MPA to thank for the very difficult, yet fortunate choice I had to make. After applying to eight schools—all of which I could see myself attending—and receiving offers of admission from eight schools, I was left flabbergasted. With the help of multiple campus visits, as well as extensive discussions with both Ms. Pederson in the Office of College Counseling and Ms. Murr (my history teacher and life mentor), I finally realized that I can be my happiest and Jenny-est self at Carleton College.

Why? The answer is simple: it feels like MPA. It feels like home.

I truly couldn’t be more excited to attend a college filled with engaged, interesting, and passionate learners in the fall. Carleton it is!

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