by Sam Sauer, Communications Intern, IMG_9513Class of 2013

For 17 years, Mounds Park Academy has had a wonderful partnership with Oak Meadows Senior Living in Oakdale. Last week, as the culminating activity of their unit on aging, second graders visited the senior center to share stories they wrote, sing songs, chat with the residents, and quickly form endearing relationships.

Second graders begin this unit by learning about the signs of aging, and brainstorming what they believe to be signs, such as grey hairs and wrinkles. This brainstorming then evolves into more serious topics such as, “What is arthritis?” and “What really is a stroke?” that are then discussed in more detail.

Then Oak Meadows staff members come to MPA to teach students not only the best ways to communicate with the elderly, but also how aging feels to them. This is done through hands-on learning experiences such as taping fingers together to experience arthritis stiffness, putting marbles in shoes to feel the discomfort, and trying to read with glasses that impact their vision. By putting themselves in the shoes of the elderly, students are able to understand more thoroughly the experiences and hardships that the elderly feel daily.

Opportunities like this help close the gaps that exist between generations in our society. Learning how to effectively communicate with a wide range of people regardless of age, race, or gender is integral to the Mounds Park Academy mission and critical for future success. We’re so proud of these second graders and grateful for this long-term partnership with Oak Meadows.

Find wonderful photos from this second grade unit here.

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