
When I was young, I had dreams about my future. I couldn’t decide whether I should be President or the Pope. Obviously, I fell short on both, but the dream served as inspiration and motivation to work hard, go to college, and pursue post-graduate work. My dream also served as a guidepost in how I saw myself and the impact I would make on the world. From an early age, I felt a responsibility to serve others and to work for justice and equity.

Given all of that, it is no surprise that I landed at MPA. In our school’s commitment to helping students discover and maximize their own unique talents and then use those talents to serve the common good, I found a home. It is important to me that our students are challenged academically and held to high standards, while also learning how to think critically and solve problems creatively. I feel incredibly proud to be at a place like MPA that welcomes, embraces, and accepts others without condition.

I’ve spent time reading through your dreams for the year and the dreams of our students. The responses from Back to School Night ranged from the practical to the profound, from the inspirational to aspirational. Examples include:

  • Be able to play with toys at school.
  • I have a dream, and that dream has already happened, and that is to attend this school.
  • For my child to be inspired to be the best version of himself so he can inspire others.
  • I wish to become Batman or an Avenger.
  • Get good grades? I don’t really know. Don’t get lost.
  • For my daughter to find her true passion, and as her parents, watch it explode with excitement, happiness, curiosity, and endless laughter/smiles.
  • To be included.
  • To meet new people and get out of my comfort zone.
  • To lose 20 lbs.
  • To not be my child’s frontal lobe.
  • To have my children maximize their abilities and pushed to improve their weaknesses so that they are able to pursue their lofty ambitions.

So many of the dreams expressed a longing to push the limits and boundaries of what is comfortable or status quo. A sense of community is also very highly valued. A defining characteristic of MPA is our belief that our gifts and talents take shape and are refined in the midst of a community—that they are focused outwardly, never inwardly, and are dynamic and ever evolving.

My dream this year is that all our students push limits, take risks, and refuse to be held back by fear or failure. That they forever dream big. And do right.

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