Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words inbill_wordpress trying to describe something very important to you? Several years ago, Mounds Park Academy launched a strategic planning process in order to chart a path forward over the next five years. A committee was formed with representation from various MPA constituent groups, including parents, alumni, students, trustees, staff, and teachers. During our work, the committee quite often returned to a very simple but profound challenge: How do we articulate the very essence of what makes MPA such a special and unique school? So many of us know the answer in our hearts but fumble at the “right way” to describe MPA.

In response to that challenge, we partnered with Friends & Neighbors in early 2016, a nationally known yet locally based, strategic creative agency to conduct comprehensive market research. The objectives of the study were to understand the attitudes and motivations of prospective families related to education, increase our understanding of the decision-making process for school enrollment, and to help all of us put into words the “why” of MPA. This was a very exhaustive and in-depth project grounded in a great deal of both qualitative and quantitative research.

Based on what we learned the refreshed MPA brand has been defined. Our brand is an authentic expression of MPA’s true story. In the words of the father of advertising, David Ogilvy, “the intangible sum of a product’s attributes.” Our identity. Our unique story. Our heart and our soul.

Much more than a tagline or a campaign, we sought to capture both the inspirational experience of MPA and our immersive curriculum. It had to be both authentic and genuine to those of us who hold this school dear, yet also speak to those outside of our community.

MPA’s attributes can now be expressed in a “manifesto” that brings our brand to life with expressive and poetic language. This manifesto will serve as the guide for all enrollment marketing messaging and collateral, as well as internal affinity building strategies. Unlikely to ever appear publicly in its entirety, phrases and ideas will be pulled from it as appropriate. We’d like to share a small portion of the manifesto with you, as told by our students just this morning. Find it here.

The market research and the brand position are all part of a new comprehensive, data-driven, Strategic Marketing and Enrollment Plan that is now in place. The implementation of the plan focuses on the outward and forward‐looking actions and tactics that guide the school’s pursuit of its preferred future. It includes long‐range planning and institution‐wide strategy development.

Over the next several months, we will be sharing more about how you can play a role in this new brand. In addition, watch for all new marketing materials including lawn signs, bumper stickers, and enhanced spirit wear to promote MPA. Please know, however, that personal referrals continue to be our most important source of new students and we appreciate you sharing your personal MPA stories with friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

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