You may have noticed my absence from my post at the MPA Fall 2016-361South Entrance during drop-off this week. As I’ve often shared before, this time is probably the best part of my day and I love connecting with students and parents each morning. I work hard to reserve that time in my calendar and there isn’t much that keeps me away. This week, however, I had to miss my morning visits with the MPA community in order to spend four days serving on a visiting team for accreditation at the Marshall School in Duluth.

Like Marshall, Mounds Park Academy is a member of the Independent Schools Association of Central States (ISACS). The purpose of ISACS is to promote the development of strong learning communities characterized by high achievements, social responsibility, and independence of governance, programs and policies. This goal is achieved through a rigorous accreditation process, targeted professional development programs, and focused support services.

Each member of ISACS takes part in a seven-year accreditation process, with accreditation given in year three after a visiting team of administrators and teachers spend several days on campus, write a report, and, if all goes well, recommend accreditation. While on campus, the visiting team speaks with teachers, students, administrators, parents, and board members to learn more about the school, validate the self-study report written by the school, and help the school learn what it might have missed during the self-study. The visiting team writes a very thorough report that contains commendations and recommendations for each of approximately thirty key areas of the school.

Mounds Park Academy is at the beginning of this seven-year cycle. During year one, we will be reviewing our school mission, philosophy, and curriculum guide, developing a profile of our graduates, and surveying our constituents. You may look forward to taking part in the constituent survey at the end of November and early December. It is extremely important that you participate in this professionally administered, comprehensive survey from ISACS. It is one of the ways you will be engaged in the accreditation process and give voice to where we as a school are heading over the next several years. Look for more information in late fall.

I enjoyed my time among the Hilltoppers of Marshall. The school sits atop the hill in Duluth with a breathtaking vista of Lake Superior and the Twin Ports. As impressive as the view is, I was equally impressed with the school itself. It reminded me in many ways of MPA: an incredible student body, caring and dedicated teachers and staff, and a parent community vested in the life of the school.

I learned many things during my visit and brought back several ideas I think would help us at MPA. However, I return to MPA with a deep and abiding conviction that there truly is no other school like ours. While we may share many characteristics of other independent schools, we have a unique mission that lives deep within each teacher and staff member and manifests itself in the lives our students and successful alumni. Stepping away from MPA for a few days refreshes my passion and dedication to MPA and I feel incredibly fortunate to serve as head of school of this remarkable school. Please know you have my sincere gratitude for entrusting your children to us and for the investment of your time, expertise, and financial support of MPA.

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