Growing up, we had next door neighbors MPA-119with two boys who were the same age as my brother and me. As you might imagine, there was a lot of back and forth between the two houses and our families were very close. During our middle school years, our neighbors finished their basement, installing a TV room, a game room with a pool table, and a workout room. I remember asking my parents, “When are we going to finish our basement?!” “We have no plans to do so,” replied my father. When I pressed him further, he simply said that we have different priorities. We never did renovate the basement and we didn’t always have the newest cars or the latest gadgets. We did, however, receive a gift that has paid dividends for a lifetime—an independent school education.

My parents were excellent role models and Ross and I strive to follow their example. We have two children in independent schools because we value the importance of educating the whole child. Our charitable giving is directed toward their schools and toward educational non-profits that serve under-resourced children. If you looked at our household budget, I think you would recognize the importance we place on education as a means of serving our community and world.

The same thing could be said here at MPA. When you look at our school’s budget, our mission is clear—the needs of our students clearly come first. At the heart of both the budget and the mission are highly dedicated teachers committed to excellence and passionate about children. Providing the environment, programs, resources, and services that enable students to live, learn, and thrive is paramount.

To ensure that the MPA budget remains aligned with our mission, we need your help. You are most likely aware that we are in the midst of a six-week fall campaign to raise the funds necessary to create and sustain a consistently outstanding experience for every MPA student. As a nonprofit institution, we rely on financial contributions as a bridge between tuition and the actual cost of an MPA college preparatory education. Tuition income covers about 82 percent of MPA’s operating expenses. Charitable gifts close the gap and provide the foundation for continued investments in our curriculum, facilities, and faculty.

On Wednesday morning, I joined the senior class to hear the senior presentations of five of their classmates. They were magnificent. I alternated between laughing and being teary-eyed as the students shared their stories of growing up, their time at MPA, the influence of their family, their struggles of developing their moral compass, and getting their ethical bearing. As I listened, I couldn’t help but imagine what Ari will say in seven years. What I know is that because of MPA, she will, in her own unique way, speak with the same depth, thoughtfulness, conviction, and confidence.

I have confidence in MPA and hope you will join Ross and me by putting MPA within your top three giving priorities. With sincere gratitude, I humbly urge you to make a gift to MPA of whatever amount is right for your family during our Joyful Learning, Joyful Giving Fall Campaign.

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