Our alumni are dreamers and doers who often NathanPPmake the news for their endeavors and positive impacts. Here are a few of the recent recognitions and media mentions that have come to our attention:

  • Pakou Hang ’95, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Hmong American Farmers Association, was featured on MPR’s Friday Roundtable: “What it means to be an American” with host Kerri Miller.
  • Carl Luepker ’90 will undergo brain surgery in January for dystonia, not only to help manage his own symptoms, but to help advance the treatment for others including his son. After writing a feature in the Washington Post last month, the Star Tribune recently covered his story as well.
  • Olivia Lansing Herrick ’06, MPA’s Girls Golf Team coach and graphic designer, was named the Minnesota Golf Association’s Women’s Player of the Year.
  • Nathan Eigenfeld ’07 is building a tiny house with no significant construction experience and plans to live in it this winter. Insider covered his story.
  • Zach Quinn ’11 and the organization he co-founded as a sophomore in college, Love Your Melon, was featured by Facebook for its success in online marketing. Find the video here.

Please send your stories to us via email. We love to learn about and share the wonderful ways our alumni are standing for justice and shaking our world.

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