MPA students and parents, please join us hourofcodeheaderafter school on Thursday, December 15 to participate in an Hour of Code. Hour of Code is a grassroots, international movement that aims for tens of millions of students to try an hour of coding using tutorials during Computer Science Education Week.

MPA’s Hour of Code event celebrates the logic, creativity, and problem solving skills that are reinforced with coding. With tutorials focused on Java Script, Scratch, and more, there will be lessons available for all ages and skill levels, including parents.

WHAT: Hour of Code
WHEN: Thursday, December 15, 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM
WHERE: Meet in the cafeteria
WHAT TO BRING: Personal earbuds/headphones, after school snack (if desired), excitement to learn!
WHAT IS PROVIDED: Computer/tablet, coding tutorials
QUESTIONS? Contact Nicole Koen, Academic Technology Coordinator at


Note: students do not need a parent/guardian to participate, but if not accompanied by one, will need to be picked up by 4:45 PM. Any Lower or Middle School student not picked up by 4:45 p.m. will go to Panther Club/Den and associated charges will be assessed.

We hope you will be able to join us!

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