By Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

WPInaugurationIt is rare that we have an opportunity to be a part of history. On Friday, I will be with 43 Upper School students witnessing the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Our road to Washington D.C. had its genesis in the Upper School Election Club and has been in the works for nearly a year. No one could have predicted the outcome then, but along the journey, MPA students have learned a great deal about themselves and their place in the world. While it hasn’t been an easy road, they have debated ideas, sought understanding, grappled with difficult issues, and explored the privilege and responsibility that comes with citizenship. Students have wrestled with the balance between respectful discourse and passionate advocacy for social justice and the common good.

Students here at school will also have ways to participate. In grades four and higher, they will have opportunities to view the inauguration in ways that are appropriate developmentally across division (reference communication from division directors and teachers for more information). In the event that the intensity of the election re-surfaces, know that faculty and staff will keep the focus on the historical moment as well as provide safe spaces for students to learn and share their thoughts.

As with many of those who will gather on the National Mall and around the country, emotions will run the gamut between hope and uncertainty, between anticipation and fear. What we share in common, however, is a commitment to democracy. In the words of the inauguration trip leader and social studies teacher Katie Murr, “Democracy will never find its beauty in order or predictability or unity. It is messy, chaotic, hurtful, and even frightening. Sometimes these qualities feel like insurmountable weaknesses. It is these very qualities, however, that are our strength. Divisions can create the basis for compromise. Rancor can become resolve. Debate can drive change. A ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people’ is a government I would not trade for any other one.”

I am excited about witnessing this time in our nation’s history. It is a time to reflect on the importance of democracy, peaceful transitions of power, and the sacrifice of those who have preserved democracy. I am thrilled to share the experience with our freethinkers and right makers. I can’t think of a better group of hopeful, inspired, and thoughtful leaders that I’d rather be with to witness history as it unfolds.

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