By Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

MPA Fall 2016-322The days prior to Winter Break are marked by recent graduates returning to MPA to reconnect with teachers and friends. While I certainly enjoy their stories, I also have an ulterior motive—I want to know how well they believe MPA has prepared them. Over the years, I frequently hear that they feel well prepared to take on the challenges of higher education. In particular, their writing skills far exceed their peers. Another very common observation is that they feel comfortable approaching their professors after class. An alum attending Harvard University reported that his classmates were in awe of his courage to show up during office hours. I’ve also heard from alums that they notice the advantage they have over their peers in their ability to think critically and present their ideas effectively and thoughtfully.

These anecdotal stories are now supported by research. Every year, the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA conducts a national longitudinal study of all college freshmen in the United States that covers a wide range of student characteristics. The National Association of Independent Schools asked HERI to create a special report.

Compared with all college freshmen, independent school graduates reported entering postsecondary studies with more skills and experiences that help them succeed in their new educational setting. For instance, when all students were asked about activities they performed frequently in their last year of high school, a higher percentage of independent school graduates noted:

  • Being asked to support their opinions with logical arguments;
  • Asking questions in class;
  • Integrating skills and knowledge from different sources and experiences;
  • Seeking solutions to problems and explaining them to others; and
  • Seeking alternative solutions to a problem.

The study also reveals that independent school graduates develop close personal relationships with their teachers during their high school senior year:

  • Asking teachers for advice after class; and
  • Talking with teachers after class.

Furthermore, independent school graduates anticipate continuing this type of relationship with their professors at college.

Students were also asked to compare themselves with others their age. A higher percent of independent school graduates rated themselves above average or in the top 10 percent in:

  • Critical thinking skills;
  • Problem solving skills;
  • Time management;
  • World languages;
  • Interpersonal skills; and
  • Knowledge of people from other races and cultures.

You are most likely aware that MPA conducted a survey of all our constituents in anticipation of upcoming accreditation. You will hear more about the results in the ensuing weeks and months, but there was some very affirming data pertaining to college success. When asked about the overall quality of an MPA education, a whopping 96 percent of all alumni rated it as excellent or very good. This percentage exceeds the benchmark of other independent schools in the Midwest. Additionally, 96 percent of alumni also rate the preparation for future academic work as excellent or very good.

This past Friday in Washington D.C., area alumni joined our group that attended the inauguration for dinner. It was delightful to meet them and to hear what they are doing with their lives. Their appreciation for MPA was humbling and incredibly affirming. It confirmed to me that “Dream Big. Do Right.” is more than a marketing tagline. It reflects the essence and value of an MPA education.

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