In honor of MPA’s Legacy Society Awareness month, we are happy to share this story from Jamie and Cindy Gardner, MPA Legacy Society Members since 2011 …

One of Mounds Park Academy’s hallmarks is the concept of educating the “whole child.” The fact that fine arts, athletics, and academics are not only available, but equally emphasized across all grade levels was certainly the reason we came here.

Now, 15 years later, we believe the most striking thing about MPA is the school’s ability to positively educate the “whole family.” MPA is a school where all three of our children, despite vast learning differences as well as interests, thrived learning some of the most basic but important life lessons in self-worth and confidence.

We feel blessed that our children have been able to gain so much and that is why we have joined MPA’s Legacy society. It really was as simple as adding a beneficiary to our life insurance policy—what a great way to insure Mounds Park Academy is able to continue shaping lives for generations to come.

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