What are Planned Gifts?

Planned gifts, sometimes called “deferred gifts,” are charitable gift commitments made today but from which MPA does not benefit until a future date. Planned gifts may be made from a donor’s estate at death or may be established now with the transfer of assets. This creates a gift that provides an income stream to the donor with the remainder passing to MPA at the donor’s death. Gifts from estates can preserve lifetime flexibility (allow you to retain use of the assets and make changes during life), reduce your taxable estate, and help you to achieve a charitable purpose perhaps not possible during your lifetime. Life-income planned gifts, such as charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts, may also produce immediate income tax benefits.

Why choose to make a Planned Gift?

Planned gifts can be an attractive way for donors to make a lasting impact by allowing them to make a larger, more substantial gift than they would otherwise be able to make during their lifetimes. Also, some donors are concerned about what happens to their annual support of MPA after they’re gone. A planned gift can be the answer. The nature of your future gift depends upon several factors:  your age, total assets, estate and income tax situation, family inheritance concerns, timing, current income needs, and last but not least, your philanthropic goals—what do you want your legacy gift to accomplish at MPA?

How do I go about making a Planned Gift?

Step 1:  Contact the MPA Development Team to determine which type of planned gift can best meet your personal and philanthropic goals.

Step 2:  Contact your estate planning attorney, financial advisor, retirement plan provider, insurance company, stock broker, or bank to create a future gift provision. Many gift provisions may be made without the assistance of an attorney.

Step 3:  Notify MPA once you have made a gift provision by completing a Letter of Intent form, which may be found here. If a named fund is desired, a memorandum of agreement can also be prepared at this time. All donors of planned gifts are recognized as members of the MPA Legacy Society.

When you are reviewing and updating your estate plans, after you have provided for your heirs please consider including a future gift to benefit MPA. Your planned gift can create a lasting legacy at the school and benefit generations of future students.

The information presented here is general in nature and is not intended to be, or a substitute for, professional legal advice.

Joining the MPA Legacy Society

For more information about the MPA Legacy Society, please contact LaTasha St. Arnault, Director of Development and Community Engagement, via email or phone at 651-748-5532. More information can also be found at moundsparkacademy.org/legacy. Thank you in advance for considering a planned gift to MPA.

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