Several years ago, we did a major renovation of, and addition to, our house. For three months, we were without a kitchen and without running water on the main floor. Our living room became both a kitchen and dining room. It wasn’t easy but when the construction was complete, it was well worth the inconvenience.

Demolition and construction of our new Makerspace will begin next week. After careful consideration, we decided to locate it across from the cafeteria where the current Middle School office, Mr. Witt’s Spanish classroom, and Panther Den are now. When completed, we will have 2,300 square feet dedicated to “making.” The new Makerspace will open in August and be ready for students to use when school begins.

We have hired LSE Architects for the design work and Adolfson and Peterson for construction. Both firms come with a great deal of experience working with schools and are an ideal fit. The Makerspace Advisory Committee (comprised of faculty/staff, parents, and students) have met with both firms and are assisting with both the design of the new space and the new maker program. I have been pleased with the preliminary drawings and excited about the direction we’re heading.

Demolition will take place over Spring Break with most of the new construction taking place after school ends in June. We have been assured that there will be minimal disruption and will not affect activities taking place over Spring Break, such as Panther Club. Work will pause during the period between Spring Break and the end of school and the space will be appropriately secured in the interim.

As you may imagine, the renovation will cause a domino effect with both short-term and long-term implications. For instance, Mr. Witt has already moved to his temporary classroom across the hallway and will remain there this year until a permanent “home” is determined. For a short time, the Middle School office will be relocated to the Parents Association room off the Cafeteria. A new Middle School office will be constructed in room 131, which is now part of Ms. Koen’s technology classroom. After Spring Break, the Panther Den will move to Mrs. Meras’ classroom.

I am pleased to announce that Nicole Koen has been appointed to a new role as Makerspace Coordinator. I am very grateful that she was willing to take on this new role. She has served in a number of capacities in 15 years at MPA, including teaching kindergarten, serving as the Academic Technology Coordinator, as well as starting both the Upper School Robotics Team and the Lower School STEAM Club. Nicole has a true passion for technology in support of learning and embraces the maker movement. A search is currently underway to fill the Academic Technology Coordinator position.

In the meantime, I apologize in advance for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.  While we are working hard to anticipate any problems, there are bound to be hiccups. However, the new Makerspace will add yet another dimension to the hands-on, experiential learning experience MPA has offered since 1982. It will put the latest technology in the hands of our students. But more importantly, it will foster a Dream Big. Do Right. mindset that prepares students to live, learn, and thrive in our 21st century globalized society.

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