HighSchoolStudentAs the 2016–17 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2017.

In what grade did you come to MPA? 5th

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I was looking for a rigorous academic environment with rich opportunities, while simultaneously maintaining a tight-knit and supportive community. Middlebury College in Vermont was a perfect fit for what I was looking for, and I am so thrilled that I will be attending next year. I am energized by the outstanding faculty and students there, and I look forward to learning from and contributing to the incredible community at Midd.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
I am excited by the opportunities in college to grow both academically and personally. I believe the environment in college facilitates and encourages transformational growth. I have learned first hand at MPA the transformative power of community and education, so I look forward to continuing that experience at Middlebury.

What did you appreciate most about the college counseling process at MPA?
The college counseling process at MPA was incredibly supportive. I am so grateful for Ms. Pederson and all of the people who played pivotal roles in the college admissions process. I think the best part of the college counseling process at MPA is the fact that Ms. Pederson, and all of the teachers writing your recommendation letters, really know who you are. I believe MPA provides an unmatched experience of college counseling where you feel known and comfortable. I can’t even tell you how many times I went to Ms. Pederson’s office for advice, help, support, or tea!

What about your MPA experience has best prepared you for college?
MPA has provided a supportive and nurturing environment that simultaneously challenges each student to strive for the best. I think that combination is unique, and it has been defining to my time at MPA. The teachers challenge us to think critically and independently, and they expect high academic performance, all of which have prepared me wonderfully for college. MPA has instilled in me a deep and life-long love of learning. Yes, it’s cheesy, but the passion of the teachers has sparked my joy of learning, which will translate into an engaged experience in college.

What is your advice for the Class of 2029 (kindergartners)?
I would advise the Class of 2029 to be grateful for the opportunities at MPA and to be appreciative of the time they have here, since it goes fast!

Insights from Ms. Pederson, Director of College Counseling:
It was a treat to work with Eloise as she explored options ranging from research universities to small liberal-arts colleges across the country. Driven by her desire to affect positive change in the world, and already engaged in a considerable amount of service and leadership, Eloise focused on college mission, student community, and the resources and mentorship available for student development and research. After she was offered admission to highly selective Middlebury and began to debate her decision, we were able to arrange for Eloise to meet with MPA and Middlebury alumna, Emily Colton (MPA ’10). Emily shared her Midd experience with Eloise from the vantage point of a person employed in her field following graduate school, after having the opportunity to do research with a professor in college. Eloise is looking forward to learning more about environmental justice efforts at Middlebury next year, and completing an internship with the ACLU this summer.

The 54 members of the Class of 2017 were offered admission to 113 different colleges/universities in 31 states, Washington D.C., and Canada. They will attend 33 different colleges/universities in 14 states. Learn more about MPA’s College Counseling program here! >

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