Suicide awareness and prevention is at the forefront of our minds and hearts as educators at MPA. Our community came together to learn more from experts in the field on Wednesday, May 24. While our teachers have been trained extensively on this topic and we enjoy a close, connected community, open conversations about difficult topics only strengthens our school climate. Here are some important resources to consider …

Community Education Presentation at MPA
by Dr. Todd Savage, MPA parent and professor of school psychology at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and Dr. Scott Woitaszewski, also a professor of school psychology at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Video >
PowerPoint >

Internal MPA Resources – Summer 2017
Mounds Park Academy families should feel welcome to contact their division director with any questions or concerns. In addition, MPA has the following expert available:

Dr. Steve Kahn
School Psychologist
651-426-4297 (cellular)
(All Students/Families)

National Association of School Psychologists Prevention Resources 
Preventing Youth Suicide >
Prevention Tips for Parents and Educators >
Prevention Tips for Teens >
“13 Reasons Why” Netflix Series: Considerations >

Additional Resources
Community Resources >

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