Kindergarten FriendsWe asked several members of the Class of 2017 what advice they have for the members of the Class of 2029, current kindergartners. Here are a few of their thoughts …

“Being fair and passionate never goes out of style. Don’t lose sight of what you want to do. Sometimes your kindergarten passion is your lifelong passion. Don’t abandon it too soon.”
–Jack Gangestad

“I would advise the Class of 2029 to be grateful for the opportunities at MPA and to be appreciative of the time they have here, since it goes fast!”
–Eloise Berdahl-Baldwin

“Always be yourself and follow your passions. If you can find a career in a hobby you love, than that’s the career that you should chase.”
–William Kluge

“My advice for the kindergarteners would be to work hard in school, but also to play hard. Don’t beat yourself up over one mistake, but just make that it doesn’t become a habit. Don’t sweat the small stuff, because everything will all work itself out.”
–Camille Arsenault

“Find a class, teacher, club, sport, or subject that you love and the years will fly by!”
–Molly Gardner

“Discover what you truly love and continue to work at it. You will never regret working hard. It will always pay off in the end.”
–Katie Hands

“Work hard. Education is an important tool in today’s society as well as the in future.”
–Andrew George

“Try everything you can. You never know where you’re going to find your passion”.
–Ellie Galicich

“At the end of school each day, take ten minutes to recite out loud all the things you did that day, good and bad.”
–Lukas Lindgren

“Never stop working hard for what you want.”
–Olivia Schultz

“My advice would be to stay in the present. I know that is ironic since you have just started your schooling experience, but time flies. Staying in the present allows you to take advantage of every opportunity and helps discover your passions. People who are successful, no matter how you define success, reach that point by doing something they are passionate about.”
–Brendan Connolly

“Find something you love doing and keep doing it. Whatever it is, whether its math, science, arts, English or athletics, you can find a career that has to do with something you enjoy and are good at.”
–Charlie Kramer

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