High School StudentAs the 2016–17 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2017.

In what grade did you come to MPA? 3rd

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
In third grade, I did my state project on Ohio and I fell in love. Throughout Middle School, I was a big follower of the sports teams and in Upper School, I decided that was where I wanted to go to college. It was the only school I could picture myself attending.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
I am excited for the opportunity that a big new school and city can bring.

What did you appreciate most about the college counseling process at MPA?
I appreciated that I could almost always walk in and talk to Ms. Pederson about what I was working on. She would research things for me and she found ways for me to boost my application. I appreciated that Ms. Pederson would always point me in the right direction.

What about your MPA experience has best prepared you for college?
I think that MPA prepared me by teaching strong writing skills and study habits. There is a heavy emphasis placed on writing and that is an advantage that MPA graduates have in college.

What is your advice for the Class of 2029 (kindergartners)?
Being fair and passionate never goes out of style. Don’t lose sight of what you want to do. Sometimes your kindergarten passion is your lifelong passion. Don’t abandon it too soon.

Insights from Ms. Pederson, Director of College Counseling:
While Jack definitely felt a sense of destiny about attending OSU, he also did his homework. We discussed how to line up a meeting with a professor in his intended major of Data Analytics, which he managed to do even during their Homecoming weekend! We also both communicated with the representative reading his file, to be sure she understood Jack’s passion to attend OSU as his first-choice university even though their application didn’t give him a place to express that. I’m thrilled that Jack’s dream of attending OSU has come true, since admission has become very competitive, especially for out-of-state students.

The 54 members of the Class of 2017 were offered admission to 113 different colleges/universities in 31 states, Washington D.C., and Canada. They will attend 33 different colleges/universities in 14 states. Learn more about MPA’s College Counseling program here! >

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