Mounds Park AcademyJoin our conversations! The purpose of all of MPA’s social media accounts is to connect the entire community including alumni, faculty and staff, parents, students, and friends of MPA. LinkedIn, specifically, is the social media tool that benefits everyone in the Mounds Park Academy network, from faculty to parents to young alums.

The MPA LinkedIn page and MPA Connections group are resources for professional development and career opportunities, a place to participate in discussion topics, and find information on MPA and local events. The MPA page is primarily used for social sharing. This is where we can share public updates with our followers and where they can find MPA updates and information. Only followers will get updates in their newsfeed! The MPA Connections group, in contrast, allows members to share content, start conversations, post and view jobs, grow your network and stay in touch.

We hope you will join in and enjoy connecting! Your participation and presence will make this presence beneficial to all.

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