Upper school studentsAs of noon, MPA families have raised an incredible $41,028. If we reach $75,000, a generous family will give a bonus gift of $25,000 to get us to the goal of $100,000 today! Incredible!As of noon, MPA families have raised an incredible $41,028. If we reach $75,000, a generous family will give a bonus gift of $25,000 to get us to the goal of $100,000 today! Incredible!

In celebration of such generosity on Give to the Max Day, please join us for a Lip Sync Assembly this afternoon in the Lansing Sports Center at 2:20 PM featuring performances from across all divisions. You won’t want to miss the fabul ous line up of faculty and students.

As Dr. Hudson shared in his Head’s Message, “I give out of gratitude, in thanksgiving for the transformational experience my daughter, and your children, are receiving. I give because parenting is tough and I need and appreciate all the help I can get. I give as a manifestation of hope.” Follow along on Facebook as MPA’s faculty and staff share why they give to MPA each hour!

Please join Dr. Hudson, faculty, and staff, and make a gift…

If you have any questions about making a gift, please contact Matt Magers, Director of Development at 651-748-5532 or via email .

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