We are so proud of our MPA student artists! Several received Honorable Mentions in the 2018 Minnesota Scholastic Art Awards! Congratulations to Middle School student Kensi and Upper School students Mats Dahlberg, Alex Esch, Ryan Guggenheim, Olivia Hawley, Angelina Liu, Annie Portoghese, Jose Varela Castillo, Siri Vorvick, and Peter Wu. All were recognized for a range of paintings, drawings, and mixed media work.

The Minnesota Scholastic Art Awards are highly competitive. MPA art teacher Ms. Sonka has been submitting student work for many years, and this year received an extremely high amount of feedback from the organization! These awards, recognizing scholastic art and writing, acknowledges creative teenagers in the United States annually. Created in 1923, it is also the longest-running program of its kind. The students’ work will be included in an online gallery opening in February, which we are looking forward to sharing!

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