Jeremy drucker class of 97by Jeremy Drucker ’97

When I started at Mounds Park Academy in sixth grade I lacked academic confidence. Not only did I struggle with subjects I didn’t have an aptitude for, but I was also oblivious to the things I did well. MPA helped me realize not only how to master those things I had difficulty with, but also how to embrace and bring to bloom those areas where I did have a knack.

Whether it was reciting the first 18 lines of Chaucer’s Canterbury tales in Old English for Richard Meacock’s sophomore English class, or doing improv in Mrs. Poehling and Mrs. Bradley’s drama classes, or researching and writing history papers for Mrs. Conway, or having Mrs. Docherty yelling encouragement to finish strong down the final stretch of a two mile race in the rain at the conference track meet, MPA prepared me for and put me in challenging positions where I needed to push myself past where I thought I could go, but with the support I needed until I learned how to do it myself.

These experiences gave me an exceptional educational foundation that has served me well ever since, be it in college, graduate school or my professional life. It is an incredible advantage for which I am grateful to this day, and hope that every person should be as fortunate as I was.

Every Panther can make a gift of any amount during today’s Alumni Challenge!

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