2018 quiz bowlCongratulations to MPA Quiz Bowl on a fantastic season! On May 26 and 27, freshmen Isak Dai, Ryan Ghose, Hana Miller and Peter Manolis competed at the High School National Championship Tournament for Quiz Bowl. They played in 10 total matches and had a finished record of 5-5, and one of their last matches of the season came down to a buzzer beater on the very last question.

MPA Quiz Bowl’s highlight reel from the year includes participating in the League Playoffs, with freshmen Isak Dai placing first individually and Ryan Ghose finishing eighth individually, as well as the “A Team” of Upper School students Travis Mudge, Ryan Ghose, Isak Dai, and Hana Miller winning 4-0 in the same competition. We are so excited to see what they accomplish next year!

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