September 5, 2018
Come meet your Grade Reps, the PA Board and other parents! The MPA Parents Association Meet & Greet is Friday, September 7, at 8 AM in the Gallery. Light breakfast will be served while you learn about the 2018-19 Parents Association events and initiatives and how to get involved. Ask questions, share your ideas, and help us grow our community-building at MPA! We would love to see you!
The first monthly all Lower School Family Social, organized by Lower School Parents Association Grade Reps, is also right around the corner! On Saturday, September 22, from 10 AM-1 PM, please join us at Como Town, where we will use a three-hour unlimited wristband for kids to enjoy the rides and play together! The fee for this event is $5 per child. Please be prepared to pay $5 cash to PA Grade Reps at the ticket booth near the entrance. And wear your MPA gear so we can identify each other! Feel free to bring a bag lunch or purchase food there. Is it required that you RSVP to ensure we have a wristband for your child(ren) at the discounted group rate. Please RSVP here!
We will be planning an informal event outside of school each month during the year as another way for us to gather as a community. The monthly events are completely optional and your entire family is always invited!