lower schoolers together at recess As our nation, state, and school become more diverse, MPA is committed to equity and inclusion by continually striving to become an even more culturally competent community.  Race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ability, world view, socio-economic class, language, and immigration status all bring a richness to our school community.

As a community, faculty, staff, parents, and students are on a multi-year journey to better understand how race and ethnicity impact our school culture and how we can become even more welcoming, respectful, and inclusive. We continually strive to be a community that values all members and validates who they are and what they bring to the community.

To aid us in this ongoing process, the 2018-2019 Mounds Park Academy Parent Education theme is “Exploring Equity and Inclusion.” As wonderfully said in the 2017-2018 MPA Yearbook, “Each individual piece of our mosaic is essential to forming the beautiful whole. Our diversity in age, cultures, talents, interests, and personalities paints an array of colors that make our mosaic vibrant.” These Parent Education discussions are imperative to the mosaic that is MPA.  

We are fortunate to be working with Side by Side Associates, a local community-based consulting firm assisting us with our long-term goal to be a culturally competent community. Parents are invited to participate in four highly interactive, discussion-based sessions to exploring issues around equity and inclusion. The first Parent Education event of the year, “Impact of Culture,” will be on October 11, from 8-9 AM in the Porter Conference room. It will focus on using a reflective tool to explore your own deep cultural values and how that impacts your thoughts and actions.

The events for the rest of the year are: December 14, Implicit Bias–understanding and unpacking personal and socialized implicit biases and the other challenges they bring such as stereotypes and micro-aggressions; February 21Systemic Oppression–learning how oppression is woven into the various systems and institutions families and students interact with every day; and May 3, Generations–learning from this teen-led conversation how generational difference impact thoughts on diversity and inclusivity.

Each Parent Education discussion will take place in the PCR from 8-9 AM. We look forward to collaborating with you on these significant topics that are imperative to our community’s growth.

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