Dr. Jenn MilamDr. Jenn Milam joined the MPA community in mid-August as our interim Middle School director. She has done an exceptional job leading the Middle School thus far and connected so well with students, parents, faculty, and staff.

Before I could consider the long-term leadership of the division, I wanted to better understand the strengths, challenges, hopes, and dreams of the Middle School so that I could ensure we hired the best possible leader for what the division needs today. I utilized the search firm of Carney, Sandoe & Associates to conduct an independent and comprehensive needs assessment that was inclusive and transparent. They led focus groups of current Middle School parents, students, and teachers and distributed an in-depth survey.

I received the cumulative report recently and it revealed a number of important things:

  • The MPA community believes the Middle School is very strong and, in particular, values its academic excellence, small class sizes and low student-teacher ratio, and close student-teacher relationships.
  • There are three priorities that emerged as focus areas for the next Middle School director. They are recruiting, retaining, and compensating high-quality faculty, continuing to create a safe and nurturing environment that promotes security and risk taking, and continually enhancing academic excellence.
  • Of all the characteristics and qualities listed, there was strong congruence on the three most important for the next Middle School director to possess. He or she needs to have a deep understanding of the developmental needs of middle school aged students, have strong leadership skills, and be an excellent communicator.

As I reviewed the report, it brought me great joy—both as head of school and as a Middle School parent. Our Middle School is strong and vibrant and there is so much there to be proud of. After thoroughly considering the needs of the Middle School and the qualities and skills the community believed would best address those needs, it was clear to me that we have an excellent match already in place with our current leader, Dr. Jenn Milam. 

It was evident from the report and survey that our current parents, students, and faculty members, also believe that Dr. Milam will serve the division best. In fact, of the survey respondents who recommended a specific person for the role, 100 percent recommended Dr. Milam. One parent wrote, “She is a bright light and adds intellect and integrity to the position. We would be lucky to have her, I think.”

I couldn’t agree more. Dr. Milam’s knowledge, skills, and experience align perfectly with what the outside assessment revealed, as well as my own knowledge confirms. She is a mission-driven leader who understands and appreciates the unique climate and culture of the Middle School and the school at large. She is caring, empathetic, nurturing, and approachable, yet strong and confident. Her deep understanding of the developmental needs of Middle School students is evident and her joy is contagious. For all of these reasons and many more, I am proud to share that Dr. Milam is MPA’s permanent Middle School director.

She brings to MPA 17 years of experience as a teacher, principal, assistant professor, and director of curriculum and instructional innovation. Prior to MPA, she served the Old Trail School in Bath, Ohio. She holds a bachelor of science in multidisciplinary studies for elementary and middle education from Texas Tech University, a master of education in curriculum and instruction from Texas A&M University, and a doctor of philosophy in curriculum and instruction, also from Texas A&M University.

“It has been a true privilege to work alongside the faculty, staff, families, and students here at MPA and I am honored to be selected as the permanent leader for the Middle School. I am excited by the years ahead and all that we will accomplish together as we grow wonderful, well-rounded, and bright young people capable of dreaming big and doing right in a world that needs them now more than ever,” shares Dr. Milam.

If you haven’t already, please connect with Dr. Milam at your earliest convenience and join me in warmly congratulating her on the permanent placement.


Dr. Bill Hudson
Head of School

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