Henry PetersonAs the 2018–19 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2019!

In what grade did you come to MPA?
I came to MPA in third grade.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I grew up knowing I wanted to attend a small college. Both of my parents attended liberal arts colleges for their undergraduate education and loved it. Looking for a liberal arts college with nice weather narrowed my field of options drastically, and Pomona was the first college where I felt at home during my visit—it became my first choice very quickly.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
I am most excited to live away from home, meet new people with different backgrounds from my own, and learn about topics I haven’t yet had the opportunity to study in an academic setting.

What did you appreciate most about the college counseling process at MPA?
As I reflect on my college process, I believe my letters of recommendation may have been the strongest part of my applications. And although I will never read them, they represent what I’m most grateful for: my teachers taking the time to form meaningful relationships with me and my classmates throughout my time at MPA. As I meet more people who are going through the college process, I’ve realized the many benefits of strong student-teacher relationships (including the help they provide during the college application process).

What about your MPA experience has best prepared you for college?
I feel that being around students and faculty who are internally motivated to learn has been the best preparation for college. I’ll enter college with confidence, open-mindedness, and a proactive attitude, because those qualities have been encouraged by my teachers and fellow students for years at MPA.

What is your advice for MPA’s Class of 2031 (kindergartners)?
Remember to say thank you when others do nice things for you!

Insights from Ms. Pederson, Director of College Counseling:
Henry’s search process focused on finding the right fit among some of the best liberal-arts-and-sciences colleges in the country. While Pomona was his top choice from the start, its spring notification date required that he wait until April 1 to find out about admission. Knowing that he’d put his best effort into his applications, Henry concentrated on getting the most out of his senior year classes and his passion for music, playing his cello in ensembles at MPA and the Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies. He and his partner smashed the school record in the honors physics bridge-building assignment, and he will soon argue a current U.S. Supreme Court case before a mock court at the Minnesota Judicial Center as part of constitutional law class. Henry ultimately received other offers of admission (and scholarships), but Pomona held on to that top spot. His teachers and I will be watching where Henry’s curiosity and wide-ranging intellect take him in choosing a major and future career … we believe he could do just about anything!

The 55 members of the Class of 2019 were offered admission to 107 different colleges and universities in 30 states, Washington D.C., and Canada. They will attend 44 different schools in 18 states and Washington, D.C. Learn more about MPA’s College Counseling program here!

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