Brent and Melissa peacockAs the school year is wrapping up and my tenure as board chair is coming to a close, I would like to take a moment to thank the dedicated group of parents, alumni and alumni parents who serve as trustees of the MPA Board. These 20 individuals commit to a three-year term where they serve on at least one of five standing committees (Executive, Governance, Finance, Development, and Audit) as well as bi-monthly board meetings. Via countless hours of meetings and emails they set strategic direction and approve budgets, audit risk, and raise critical funds.

Some of our goals this year included:

  • Vision/Strategy: Developed a collaborative process to launch the next strategic planning effort.
  • Financial & Risk Management: Oversaw legal risk and financial management for the organization.
  • Leadership Oversight: Supported Dr. Hudson in leading and managing the school.
  • Provided Resources: Aligned Board around development strategies and 100% participation in Together, We Dream: The Campaign for MPA (with various members serving on the Committee) and the MPA Fund. Served as MPA Brand Ambassadors by promoting the school in many capacities.

I would also like to add the commendations that the ISACS visiting team concluded after meeting with the community:

The ISACS visiting team commends Mounds Park Academy for its:

  1. Diversity of membership and dedication to adding people of color to Board positions.
  2. Commitment to diving more deeply into matters related to independent education while resisting the need to delve into operational matters.
  3. Cultivation of trust between members of the Board of Trustees and key constituencies.
  4. Dedication to service, including its willingness to work on significant projects such as the Board orientation process, the strategic plan, and its multi-year modeling.

MPA’s trustees graciously share their time, talents, and wisdom to better the school today and for the future. Their work is not always easy, but it is rewarded with the strength and vitality of the school and the students it serves. I have been truly honored to serve with my fellow trustees and appreciate the sacrifices they have made for the betterment of the MPA community.

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