MPA alumni mentor network eventby Mike Velin ’06, MPA Alumni Association Board Chair

As I write to you, I’m cherishing my own fond memories of Mr. Meacock and I’m sure many of you still remember your time in his classroom. It is in the spirit of those early MPA founding teachers and leaders that the MPA Alumni Association Board is kicking off a busy year of activities and opportunities for alumni to engage with current students, former classmates, and events on campus.

We have much to be grateful for from our MPA educational experience. It means so much to me to be able to stay engaged with MPA and to give back to current students. I’d like to encourage you to consider getting involved in a way that is meaningful for you. One way that will make a big impact is by joining this year’s cohort of MPA mentors for current seniors. We are in need of more volunteers to ensure every senior has a mentor. Help us to have another successful year of the mentorship program.

I hope to reconnect with you at our upcoming Homecoming events, through the mentorship program, or at some other point over the year. Thank you for your continued engagement and support of MPA.

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