POA summer gatheringThe MPA Parents of Alumni (POA) organization has been active since 2011. A group of parents wanted to stay connected to the friends they had made through the years their children were at MPA. Eight years later, the POA has a few annual traditions established with opportunities to add more events throughout each school year. The events are varied and invitations are issued through the MPA Development Office. The POA follows a flexible strategy that focuses our social events between May and November when parents of alumni are likely more available. The MPA POA Executive Board consists of Mary Jo Thrane, Jeanne Danaher, Chris Levesque, Amanda Campbell, Carey Ide, and Karla Myers. Each are members of the POA with alum from the graduating classes 2009–2018.

Recent Social Event
A few months ago, over 65 POA members gathered at the home of Peter and Mary Jo Thrane. The POA Summer Social and Annual Meeting is, “one of our favorite POA events,” said Mary Jo Thrane, current POA President. “Parents attended whose kids had graduated a decade ago, along with those whose students were in the class of 2019.” Events like the Summer Social are a wonderful time to connect with the incredible MPA community of parents.

Upcoming POA Activities
Coming up this fall are two fun POA events. Watch your inbox for an e-vite and mark your calendar.

  • Wine Tasting at 7 Vines Vineyard in Dellwood is set for Thursday October 3. Check your inbox for your invitation from the POA!
  • The MPA POA College Years Social on Thursday, November 7 at Dellwood Country Club. This event is for parents of alumni from the four most recent graduating classes: 2015—2019. We love to hear and talk about you and your student’s college experiences, whether or not it is your first time or fifth.

The POA looks forward to hearing from you & catching up at one of our social events throughout the year. For more information, please reach out to the POA directly via email at POA@moundsparkacademy.org.

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