Mr. Meacock teaching EnglishIt is with great sadness that we share some very sad news from our MPA family. Mr. Richard Meacock, retired Upper School faculty and founding faculty member, has passed away after a long illness.

Mr. Meacock was a beloved faculty member at MPA since the school opened in 1982 and he will be greatly missed. His legacy will live on within these walls as we will forever be an inclusive, welcoming community because of his work. He impacted thousands of students, both academically and personally. Our alumni think clearer, love deeper, and laugh more for knowing him. Those gifts he gave will never be lost.

One of his closest colleagues said it well. “Richard has always been willing to push where others won’t, to question when others don’t, and to offer an uncanny intuition about kids and how they learn. His impact on the thread and fiber of the school is almost too much to measure,” said Randy Comfort, Upper School director of guidance.

Together with his family, a memorial event will be held at Mounds Park Academy.

Remembering Richard Meacock
Sunday, October 6
Mounds Park Academy
2 PM

In lieu of flowers, gifts, and cards, Richard’s family requests your presence at his Remembrance, for you to share stories and memories by submitting them to, and for donations to be made to the Richard Meacock Memorial Fund at Mounds Park Academy. Thousands of students have reached their fullest potential—academically and socially—under his watch. Your gift will help ensure that is possible for more students.

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