students at the eagle bluff overnightBy Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Several weeks ago, I had a very excited but sleepy passenger in my car. My daughter Ari had just returned from three days and two nights with her eighth grade classmates at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in Lanesboro, Minnesota and I peppered her with questions on our ride home. Between yawns, she shared stories of what she had learned about her classmates and herself. Through a combination of outdoor adventures and activities, Ari enjoyed opportunities to deepen her relationship with the natural world, with her classmates, and with herself.

Opportunities are what Mounds Park Academy is all about. In the classroom, on the stage and playing field, in the Makerspace, and soon, in our new library, MPA students benefit each day from incredible opportunities to push the limits of their learning, uncover their passions, discover their voice, and build the self-confidence necessary to face whatever life may bring. Now, more than ever, our world demands informed, passionate, thoughtful, and well-educated citizens. Building a better future for our students and for our world is dependent on a rigorous education as well as meaningful experiences and opportunities.

If MPA is all about opportunities, then it is the MPA Fund that makes them possible. As is typical in independent schools, tuition alone does not fully cover the costs associated with providing an exceptional education. The eighth-grade trip to Eagle Bluff is just one of the many opportunities MPA students have to expand their horizons and compliment their learning that are made possible by annual giving. The MPA Fund helps bridge the gap between tuition revenues and the true cost of our unparalleled educational experience. Because the MPA Fund is a component of our operating budget, it profoundly impacts all aspects of every students’ daily experience.

Each year, we ask the Mounds Park Academy community to support our extraordinary school with a tax-deductible contribution to the MPA Fund. Each year, our community’s collective contributions provide us with the financial support to enhance our programs, enrich our students’ educational experience, and provide the unique learning opportunities not found anywhere else but MPA. By prioritizing Mounds Park Academy in your philanthropic giving, you demonstrate your commitment to your children and their classmates, as well as to the dedicated teachers and staff members who provide students with unparalleled guidance, instruction, and care.

Every dollar counts. Every gift matters. Every donor makes a difference. Whether you give $50 or $5,000, know that your gift has an immediate and meaningful impact on each student’s daily experience. The Fall Campaign is October 23 through November 15 and our goal is $300,000.

Giving at MPA is based on three important elements—respect for our families, an appreciation for transparency, and a sincere need. I humbly request that you join my family and hundreds of other MPA families and make a joyful gift to ensure our students continue to enjoy the unique opportunities of an MPA education. Together, we create a better future for our students today and tomorrow.

Make A Gift

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