MPA junior DhruvThis story series illustrates how our community is embracing, growing, and connecting through virtual learning together. Read on to hear MPA junior Dhruv Muppidi’s experience as #MPAgoesvirtual!

Upon beginning virtual learning, Dhruv said he was feeling a little bit of anxiousness, but a lot of excitement. To establish a sense of normalcy, he’s been sticking to a familiar routine and curating a classroom space at home.

“It’s important to get into a regular schedule and stick to it. As much as this feels like a break, I believe it’s critical to treat this process as similarly as possible to a normal week at school,” Dhruv said. For him, that means setting an alarm to continue waking up at 6:30 AM and being ready promptly at 8 AM to tune into his Global Voices class.

On his desk are only the essentials: pencils, pens, notebooks, binders, and a water bottle. “I positioned my desk right next to the fireplace so I can feel warmth throughout my day. Unfortunately, my sister caught onto my plan, so now I have to alternate the days I use that specific work area with her,” he said.

To Dhruv, virtual learning bridges the gap between the classroom and technology. For example, after discovering Zoom’s Breakout Rooms feature, Dhruv and his classmates created an experience very similar to that of being up in MPA’s mezzanine group study rooms.

“I consider myself highly fortunate to be surrounded by a group of highly-motivated teachers who are dedicated to providing students with access to their lessons, whether that is through a detailed lesson plan or an online ‘face-to-face’ discussion,” he said. “These are uncharted waters for students and teachers alike, but that only guarantees the numerous learning experiences we will encounter along the way.”

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