dr. Hudson with Anna's donated masksIn the true spirit of dreaming big and doing right, MPA senior Anna Zeng has donated 1,200 medical face masks to healthcare workers at HealthPartners.

Anna was enthusiastic, “To show my gratitude for what you and the rest of MPA staff have done in taking good care of us, and to contribute what I could to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said. After contacting a reputable mask supplier in Guangzhou, she used her own savings to order the masks and make the donation to MPA, which Dr. Hudson then safely delivered to a clinic.

“Our health care team needs masks,” HealthPartners writes on their website. “This unprecedented time of need, has turned into an unprecedented time of kindness. We’re grateful for the overwhelming support you’ve shown our health care heroes. Right now, they’re saving lives, but you can make a difference too.”

On behalf of our school and local community, thank you for your generosity, Anna!

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