Katie GoodnoAs the 2019–20 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of the Class of 2020!

In what grade did you come to MPA?

I came to MPA in fourth grade, which was the same year my sister Abby started in sixth grade, and two years after my sister Sara started at MPA in sixth grade also. When I shadowed in third grade, I didn’t want the day to be over because I loved the school and the people so much, which is why my parents and I made the easy decision to transfer to MPA.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?

I had no intention of going to college in Texas at all, in fact, I told my parents it was just a waste of time to visit Baylor. During spring break in my sophomore year, we were in Waco, so my mom told me I should visit Baylor. As soon as I got the tour of the campus I started envisioning myself there, and I loved it. In my senior year, I had forgotten about Baylor and didn’t really see a future there, until I visited again, and fell in love with it again. The thing that was most appealing to me was all the opportunities there were for me there and all the choices I had for majors and classes. I also am very excited about all the traditions there are and sports games! The thing that attracted me the most about Baylor was how welcoming and kind the community is. I’m very excited to join that community in the fall!

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?

I am very excited about gaining more independence when I start my college experience. I also am looking forward to meeting new people and starting this new chapter in my life at a place where I see myself growing as a person. I am also very eager to learn more about myself and things that will set me up for my future. The thing I am most excited about is being able to pursue my passions through my majors and any activities I choose to do.

What did you appreciate most about the college counseling process at MPA?

The thing that I appreciated most about the college counseling process at MPA was how willing to help everyone was at any time. Everyone in the college counseling office was very helpful and made the application process much easier. Any problems we had were easily fixable with the hard work and help of Ms. Pederson. I think we are all prepared for what is ahead of us because of everything we have learned through this process.

What about your MPA experience has best prepared you for college?

Picking one thing about my MPA experience that has best prepared me for college is very difficult because everything has contributed to who I am academically and as a person today. However, I believe that all the essays I have written, and the feedback I have received has undoubtedly prepared me immensely for college. Not only has MPA taught me how to do well academically, but MPA has taught me how to be a better person. I have been raised in the MPA community to be kind, respectful, honest, and many more things and I believe that those traits will not only help me succeed in college but also for the rest of my life in anything I choose to pursue.

What is your advice for MPA’s Class of 2032 (kindergartners)?

My advice for the class of 2032 is to stay true to yourself and be who you want to be and don’t be afraid to express yourself. Always try your best, take risks, and try new things. You will never be able to find your passions or talents if you aren’t able to take those risks or try those new things. It is also very important to follow your passions and pursue what you want to do, no matter what anyone else thinks of it. Most importantly, do what makes you happy.

The 53 members of the Class of 2020 plan to attend 41 different colleges and universities in 18 states, Washington D.C., Canada, and Australia. See their destinations here. Learn more about MPA’s College Counseling Program here!

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