Lareina Gu working on math in the makerspace in 2019The MPA Math League team participated in their third virtual meet this week, scoring very well with 89 points overall! MPA’s top individual scorer was sophomore Anthony Troullier, earning 12 points, including a perfect seven in event A. Four team members earned ten points: junior Amy Xiang (including a perfect seven in event B), senior Lareina Gu (including a perfect 7 in event B), senior Sean Park, and senior Steve Min (filling in nicely for Qiya Zhang, who was unable to attend). Freshman Ella Li also earned a perfect 7 in event B. The team overall did extremely well in event B, earning 26 out of a possible 28 points.

The team earned 16 points on the team round, and once all the other teams in our division and section complete the meet, final results will be announced. Some non-official team members did very well, including senior Sean Davis, earning eight points. Junior Samantha Forgosh also earned 8 points. The bench on this team is mighty deep! Congratulations, Math Team!

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