Mitch holding books Over winter break the Middle School fifth and sixth grade Student Council hosted a readathon fundraiser! The purpose was to encourage students to cozy up with a book over the holiday season, as well as raise money and awareness for two important causes. This year’s readathon money went to the MPA COVID relief fund and a local animal shelter.

Students participated in the readathon both individually and as an advisory. The advisory that logged the most minutes of reading over winter break received a pizza party. This year, the two winning advisories were Ms. Dale’s sixth grade advisory who read 8,936 minutes total, and Mr. Peterson’s fifth grade advisory who read 8,803 minutes total.

The top three students who logged the most minutes were given gift cards. Those three students were fifth grader Mitch W. who read 2,856 minutes, sixth grader Ellory B. who read 1,960 minutes, and sixth grader Julian B. who read 1,867 minutes.

Ellory in front of bookshelves holding a stack of books“Reading is my favorite thing to do in my free time,” said Mitch.

Ellory agreed: “I think reading is amazing because I love hearing stories and learning about other peoples’ lives.” She shared that her favorite two books she read over break were The Crown’s Game by Evelyn Skye and The Gardener by S. A. Bodeen. “It was really fun to track how long I read for,” she added, “Throughout break you’d most likely find me curled up with a comfy blanket and a book.”

Thank you middle schoolers for raising money for such great causes, and to the 5/6 Student Council for nurturing a love of reading!

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