Off to a Good Start!LS news story

Lower School had a perfect start to the 2021-2022 school year! It is energizing to have students back on campus! Students and teachers are experiencing the joy of learning in classrooms as they get to know each other and launch into learning new concepts and skills. A huge thank you to parents and teachers for helping with the transition back to school.

At the beginning of the school year teachers work hard to develop a positive, kind, inclusive classroom culture and set the tone for a respectful and engaging learning environment of trust. This year lower school teachers will be using Responsive Classroom Morning Meetings periodically throughout the week as a way to build that culture.

Students, and even teachers, crave a certain amount of predictability and routine in the school day, especially at the start of the year. Morning Meeting merges academic, social, and emotional learning. They also enhance the sense of significance and belonging and provides an opportunity to have fun.

Morning Meetings teach necessary competencies and abilities to communicate ideas and information clearly, to collaborate, and demonstrate innovation and flexible thinking. In addition, Monday Meeting will reinforce CHAMP concepts and teach responsible citizenship. Social emotional Learning skills will also be practiced helping children develop life-long skills such as recognizing and managing emotions, developing care and concern for others, establishing positive relationships, and handling challenges constructively. Morning Meeting components also offer students endless opportunities and practice and review academic skills.

When we start the school day together, face to face, welcoming each other, sharing news, listening to individual voices, and communicating as a caring group, we make a powerful statement. We say that all students matter! We say that we are a team working together! We say our classroom culture is one of friendliness and thoughtfulness! We say that we can accomplish hard work and make discoveries together.

Morning meetings help create connections among all members of the classroom community. Students learn details about each other and build common bonds. Students learn that each classroom is a community of unique students and families. Teachers can take advantage of the diversity of the group to teach cross-cultural understanding and acceptance. The connection between students and their teachers helps students feel comfortable taking risks when they know they will be respected and valued, no matter the outcome.

Parent and School Partnership

Here are some tips for parents to help your student be successful.

  1. Spend a few minutes each night looking over handouts and papers your child brings home in their folder. Fill out forms and return them the next day. Oversee homework that needs to be completed.
  2. Contact your child’s teacher immediately if you see a problem. Working together will help your child succeed.
  3. Regular attendance in Lower School sets up a good pattern for your child’s school career. Show your child that school comes first by being on time and minimizing absences.


  • September 2: Ice Cream Social at 3:00 for all Families
  • September 8: CHAMP Assembly for Students (Students wear their CHAMP shirt with uniform bottoms.)
  • September 13: Picture Day
  • September 30: Evening Conferences @ 3:30 – 7 PM by Appointment
  • October 7: Evening Conferences @ 3 – 8 PM by Appointment
  • October 8: Daytime Conferences @ 8 AM – 4 PM by Appointment
  • October 8: No Classes
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