from Renee Wright, Lower School Director

End of Trimester 1 Report Cards
It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of Lower School Trimester #1. The first trimester of the school year ends November 12. Teachers have been reflecting on your child’s progress and will begin putting together a written report to summarize that progress based on your child’s individual needs, the goals discussed at the October conferences, and grade level expectations and outcomes. It is important to remember that we don’t expect skill mastery at this point in the school year and believe it is important to acknowledge effort and the progress your child is making academically, socially, and emotionally. These reports will be sent out to parents for review via email on November 22, 2021. Make sure to take time to read the report card to get a good understanding of your child’s progress. Share all or part of the report card with your child in a developmentally appropriate manner. Remember to praise your child for their hard work and accomplishments. Engage your child in a conversation about school and share highlights from each subject area. Let your child know that school is important, and the key things leading to success are putting forth strong effort, persisting through challenges, making responsible choices, and making steady progress.

CHAMP Assembly
Kindergarteners and their teachers will host a virtual CHAMP Assembly on Wednesday, November 10. The focus of the assembly will be on respect and how it relates to accountability. Teaching students to show respect is essential to being a contributing member of our classrooms, school, home, community, and world. Kindergarten students will play an important role in delivering the message about respect at the assembly. Classroom activities and discussions will follow the assembly. The integration of CHAMP into classroom work increases engagement, helps students make connections, and encourages students to apply these skills in the global world.

How can parents teach and reinforce respect at home?

  1. Have rules in your home about respect.
  2. Give children a voice in decision making.
  3. Speak politely to your children.
  4. Give your children your full attention.
  5. Discipline your children with respect.
  6. Teach children manners.
  7. Try to understand why your child is being disrespectful or behaving in a disrespectful manner.
    *See the full article on respect at

Halloween In Lower School
Halloween is a magical time in Lower School and promotes imagination, playfulness, and connection. Halloween will be celebrated at MPA on Friday, October 29. Students are encouraged to wear costumes. They must be non-violent, cannot include items that are made in the likeness of weapons, and must be respectful and non-offensive to culture, gender, and stereotypes. The Parent Association will host Halloween parties outdoors (weather permitting) for every Lower School grade level. Volunteer parents will help with the festive parties. Students will enjoy Halloween treats and Halloween games. Later in the day students will parade in costume for their family and friends on the outside sidewalk to spread some Halloween cheer. Family members and friends are welcome to join us for the parade at 2:30 PM that afternoon.

National Lights On Afterschool Event
In connection with the Works Museum our Panther Club staff will host a virtual family engineering night on October 28 at 6:30–7:30 PM. The focus of this event is a Creative Cardboard Challenge in honor of the National Lights on Afterschool initiative. Families can gather creative supplies from their home, use their imagination, and build innovative things out of cardboard. The ZOOM link for the event can be found on the MPA calendar.

Birthdays in Lower School
We continue to celebrate the birthdays of Lower School students. All students are allowed to have a non-uniform day on their birthday or half-birthday as a special privilege and treat. Each student is presented with a special gift from Mrs. Wright for their birthday to make them feel appreciated and special. Our Lower School birthday bulletin board is a way to share with our community the birthdays each month. This board is designed and displayed by our wonderful Lower School parent volunteers each month.

No Classes Monday, November 1
There are NO classes on Monday, November 1 due to a “grading day” for all faculty. PreK Panther and Panther Club will be open that day but note that pre-registration is required. Please contact the Lower School Office or Russ Purdy if you wish to register. Late registration fees may apply.

Dates to Remember

  • October 28: Family Engineering Night with the Works Museum at 6:30 – 7:30pm
  • October 29: Halloween Festivities and 2:30pm Parade
  • November 1: No Classes
  • November 24, 25, 26: Thanksgiving Break/NO CLASSES
  • November 29 – December 2: SPORTS WEEK in Lower School. (More information to follow)
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