from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School Director

Happy Fall, Y’all
I do hope each of you are well and were able to enjoy our extended Fall Break! Returning after some rest and relaxation has helped to bring everyone’s disposition to a place of greater balance and calm.

Our Parent’s Association is thrilled to be hosting some FALL GATHERINGS for families! I hope you’ll take the opportunity to be engaged, meet new people, and begin to build your parent network all while having a little fun!

Class of 2026 – 8th Grade Family Night
Karen Weiss and Sally Doherty are hosting 8th grade families at Little Foot Farm (13575 40th Street South – Afton, MN 55001) on Friday, October 29th from 6-8PM. Join for hot dogs, s’mores and beverages. Dress for the weather and come for some fun! The kindness of your RSVP is requested, and questions can be sent to Christine Larson (

Class of 2028 – 6th Grade Family Night
A “more fun than fright night” is being held on Saturday, October 30th from 3-5PM at Como Regional Park (1340 Como Avenue – St. Paul). Come for yard games and s’mores and dress for the weather! RSVP is gratefully accepted to Christine Larson (

If your class isn’t having a get together yet, don’t fret! Reach out to your grade level representatives and plan something fun!

IMPORTANT: COVID Protocols and Symptom Response
Just a reminder that any/all symptoms through our AUXS app and/or via email to

Please do not email your divisional offices, directors, or teachers of an absence due to symptoms. It is important that all notifications are sent to Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, our COVID Health and Safety lead, so that you can be supported and informed of possible next steps including, but not limited to, the need to remain home, secure a negative test prior to return, and/or quarantine per CDC guidance.

iTERM Registration Starts Now!
Registration forms have been handed out and emailed to parents. Please read it carefully, review the online iTERM brochure, and return the form with your student’s three top choices to the Middle School office no later than Friday, November 5. Students who do not return the form will be placed into an iTERM course based on space availability at my discretion.

If you have already signed up for the trip to Puerto Rico or Quebec, you do not need to return an iTERM course form.

Halloween at MPA
As we look forward to celebrating Halloween at MPA together, it is important that we adhere to our MPA community expectations and guidelines regarding costumes, discourse, and representation. Halloween can be a magical time for imagination, playfulness, and connection. Middle School students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to school on Friday, October 29.

The following are guidelines for Halloween costumes at MPA:

  • Weapons or items that are made in the likeness to represent weapons, are not allowed. These can include, but are not limited to, guns, swords, pitchforks, knives, pocketknives, and/or spears.
  • Masks that completely cover a student’s face and head are not allowed. A student needs to be able to be recognized at school, participate in classes throughout the day, and not have their identity obscured by their costume.
  • Symbols, words, or other representations that are currently, or have been historically used to trigger and/or discount others’ identities are not allowed. These can include, but are not limited to symbols of white supremacy, gang affiliation, racial or ethnic tokenism, homophobia or transphobia, and ableism.
  • Middle School costumes must also adhere to the dress code expectations that all “personal body parts” are covered, regardless of a student’s gender identify or gender presentation.

#IAmNotACostume: A Note about Cultural Appropriation
As our young people begin selecting costumes, it is important that we are sensitive to issues of cultural appropriation. “Cultural Appropriation is the act of taking significant elements (symbols, dress, words, practices, etc.) from a culture that is not your own and removing all original context or meaning, usually with the goal of using these elements for entertainment, marketing, or exploitation.” ( When selecting a costume for Halloween, I would ask that you engage your student in a conversation about the purpose of their costume (Is it just for fun? Or is there an underlying message behind it?), ask them to consider if anyone may take offense to their costume and the representation it suggests (Is it possible that others may view the costume as a mockery of a particular culture? Does the costume seek to make a token of traditional cultural symbols not held by your family culture?) and encourage them to reflect upon the way that their costume may be experienced by those around them, thus seeking to build empathy and critical thinking – two values we hold dear here at MPA.

We want Halloween to be a fun, imaginative, and magical celebration of the fall season in a way that not only values the childhood experience but, so too, those cultures, (re)presentations, symbols, and traditions deeply held and honored by each of us in our unique lived experiences.

For more information on cultural appropriate and Halloween costumes, you might find some of these links helpful:

Laurier Students’ Public Interest Research Group

• NPR/MPR News

• National Geographic

NOTE: MPA faculty, staff, and administration reserve the right to ask a student to remove items/costumes if they are deemed inappropriate, offensive, or otherwise not in line with the spirit of fun and celebration.

Halloween Carnival—GRADES 5 + 6
The 5/6 grade Student Council has been busy planning for the annual Halloween Carnival. The carnival is for 5th and 6th grade students and is held immediately after school on Friday, October 29, from 3-4:30 PM. Cost to attend the event is $10 and is required the day of the event – please . The fee covers pizza, snacks, drinks, and goodie bags for attendees.

If you would like to donate items, snacks, or perhaps volunteer (limited volunteers are invited), please email Jess Powell, Student Council faculty advisor, at

NOTE: The 7/8 Dance is not being held on Friday, October 29. We are hoping to hold our winter dance in December and continue to watch COVID case numbers and work toward ensuring that we can hold a dance safely together. Stay tuned!

End of Quarter 1–Friday, October 29
Friday is the end of first quarter. Your student’s advisor will be working with them to ensure that all assignments are submitted, and they finish strong. Please take a moment in the coming week to check-in with your student to ensure they are following up, asking for clarification, and seeking support where needed. Any assignments not submitted by Friday, will not be accepted.

No Classes Monday, November 1–Grading Day
At the end of each quarter, you’ll notice on the calendar there is a GRADING DAY—this allows teachers to finalize grades and prepare for the next quarter. Please make note on your calendars that there are no classes on Monday, November 1. We will warmly welcome students after the long weekend on Tuesday, November 2 for the start of Quarter 2.

Colder Weather is Upon Us!
A hallmark of the MPA experience is that we go outside to recess every day that the weather is above -15 degrees. We are also fortunate enough to have an amazing sledding hill once the snow falls. Please begin encouraging your Middle Schooler to dress appropriately for the weather, wear a coat, bring mittens/gloves/hat, and if they’d like, bring snow boots and snow pants when the time comes.

Recess is an important part of our day – it’s good for the brain, body, and soul! Students are not allowed to stay indoors for recess – so having cold weather gear is important and makes for happier kiddos!

Planners! Use Them, Check Them, Be Accountable
Student planners were distributed last week, and we have been working diligently on learning to use them consistently, productively, and in a way that supports self-regulation and success. Please ask your student about their planner, ask them to show you their progress, and remember that their planner is their first line of organizational super-power!

If your student continuously shares that their planner is “missing”, we need to know that as it is an essential part of our teaching effective executive function and self-management strategies – we will happily provide them another planner!

Water Bottles—A Necessity!
A full day of learning is a full day that requires water – PE, academic classes, arts classes, lots of movement and activity! Students need water bottles, and they need to drink water consistently. Please send a water bottle, that can be kept at school, labeled with your student’s name, with them each day. We do not have cups, disposable water bottles, or any other way for student to remain hydrated!

More Middle School Parent Chats
We had so much fun at the last two and enjoyed the time to be together, let’s do some more!

    1. Wednesday, November 10, 8:15-9:30AM
      • On campus at MPA! Bring your coffee/tea and your wonderings! We can even take a spin through the building and peek in our kids!
    2. Thursday, November 11, 5:30-7PM
      • Off-Campus Social! Place to be determined – hoping to catch those who can’t sneak away during the day!
    3. Friday, November 19, 11:30-1PM
        • Let’s meet for lunch at Panera Bread in Maplewood!

      It’s always fun to get together and chat with some awesome MPA Parents! Hope to see you there!

      Important Dates

        1. Oct 29: End of Quarter 1—All Assignments and Assessments Due
          • HALLOWEEN @ MPA, Students are invited to wear costumes to school!
          • 5-6 HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL, 3-4:30 PM, Cost is $10!
        2. Nov 1 GRADING DAY – NO CLASSES
        3. Nov 2 Quarter 2 Begins
        4. Nov 19-21 Middle School Show
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