lower school students studying science experimentfrom Renee Wright, Lower School Director

Are you curious about what happens on some Monday mornings in Lower School? Lower School students participate in a Monday Morning Meeting twice each month. This past week Lower School students gathered for a meeting on Monday as we came back together after Thanksgiving Break. The meeting was a wonderful way to reconnect as a community and set the tone for a productive week. Here are some agenda highlights from our meeting:

  1. We got our brains and bodies working together during “Brain Dance” as we mindfully moved to the song “Experience” by the Italian composer, Ludovico Einaudi.
  2. During “Who’s Who at MPA?” we learned about our new Lower School Administrative Assistant, Ms. Holli. We found out that she is a musical theatre major and has been in over 45 musical productions. She truly enjoys singing and dancing on the stage. She is a lovely and caring person and welcome addition to the Lower School Office!
  3. Our Kindergarteners presented a special video message to the song, “My Own Two Hands” during “Student Splash.” They shared how they use their own two hands to make a difference in our world when they care for their pets, recycle, plant a garden, play with a baby sister, learning new things, and reaching out to others.
  4. During the “Joyful Journey” we honored all Lower School students with November birthdays by singing the birthday song. We also welcomed a new fourth grader to our school. This was extra special for all of us!
  5. Two third graders received CHAMP Awards for consistently using CHAMP behavior and showing high integrity through words and actions. We strive to recognize CHAMP behavior on our campus.
  6. During “Word Wizard” a fourth grade Word Wizard was quizzed on two past words of the week. These words were baffled and haphazard. Next, students were introduced to our new word for this week, impeccable. It is rewarding to see Lower School students using these words in their daily writing.
  7. The meeting ended with the singing and signing of the School Song to show school spirit and send students off with a positive feeling about school. Go Panthers!

These meetings are a collaboration between Ms. Wright, Mr. Moran, Ms. Espeland, and the Lower School teachers. We are the most creative when we work together!


Learning from Mistakes
One of the most powerful things you can do for your child is to encourage trying new things and taking risks. This advice can somethings cause apprehension as students fear they might not be successful. At MPA we teach our students that it is acceptable and even desirable to make mistakes. A mistake does not signal a failure, it is an opportunity to learn, grow, and develop resilience. Opportunities to struggle and fail help children develop emotional skills for life. Tell your child you believe in next time and second chances. Mistakes are how we challenge ourselves to learn to do things differently and motivate us to problem solve and try new innovative approaches. To get your child to internalize your message about mistakes you should try the following approaches:

  1. Read stories about mistakes. I suggest Barney Saltzberg’s book “Beautiful Oops”
  2. Many children are perfectionists and struggle to get things just right. This interferes with the creative process. Teach children that mistakes can blossom into inspiration. “The Book of Mistakes,” by Corinna Luyken, for four to eight-year-olds sends this important message.
  3. Acknowledge that you don’t expect your child to be perfect.
  4. When you make mistakes in front of your child talk about what you learned from them.
  5. Don’t rescue kids from their mistakes. Help them find a solution.
  6. Use visual reminders. Post little signs in your home saying, “Don’t be afraid of making a mistake!” Send the message that it is good to be courageous.
  7. Remind your child that our Lower School CHAMP focus for the school year is on being accountable. Encourage your child to take responsibility for their mistakes and not blame others.
  8. Praise your child for their ability to admit their mistakes. This takes courage!
  9. Mentor your child on how to apologize when their mistakes hurt others.
  10. Focus on the positive outcomes of mistakes and encourage a growth mindset.

December 8: Founders Day at MPA (More information to follow)
December 10: Grade 2 Anansi Live Streamed Performance  at 2:10 PM
December 20-January 2: Winter Break (No classes/Panther Club Available some days)

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