What position will you be holding at MPA?
Upper School and College Counseling Assistant

From what school/organization are you coming?
Academia Cesar Chavez

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I have worked in office administration in a variety of industries for 20 years. My education and background in health and wellness has allowed me to serve as a community resource in some form or another throughout my career, “it’s my calling”. My most enjoyable work experiences have always involved helping people and fostering meaningful relationships.

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
I was drawn to the mission and sense of community at MPA. Everyone I spoke with had a positive attitude and strong motivation to create an extraordinary experience for the students.

What’s your big dream?
I would love to continue to learn Spanish and spend a summer traveling through Spain with my family.

What are you (and your family, if you so choose) passionate about?
We love being outdoors, staying active, and trying new activities together. Most recently paddle boarding has been our kick, next on the list is snowshoeing!

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
My family has a pet dragon named “Alfonso” (he has a beard).

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