Parents Connect

Middle School Café Reimagined—Together We Tube Pre-Event Fun
The Parents Association is hosting an afternoon of family fun for Middle Schoolers at the Badlands Snow Park on Friday, February 25 from 2:30-5:30 PM. It will be a totally tubular experience complete with a dinner option offered in partnership with the Vikings Table food truck. In an effort to raise awareness of our event and the Minnesota Vikings Foundation mission we’re organizing a non-perishable food drive. Students will be asked to bring in canned goods to their advisories. The advisory that collects the largest quantity of items will be acknowledged at the Badlands on February 25! To learn more about the Vikings Table mission and community work click here.

Food Drive Details
Who: All MS students during their advisory
What: Non-perishable food item drive
When: Monday, February 7 through Friday, February 11
Where: Student Advisories

Volunteer Options at the Badlands Snow Park
We appreciate your interest in helping and need adult volunteers to keep our kids safe on the hills. Click here to sign-up for an hour shift during our totally tubular event.

Lower School Valentine’s Day
This year in lieu of a party, the PA Valentine’s Day committee will be handing out gift bags. We’re sad to miss our beloved tradition but have to keep our kiddos safe!

Concessions Stand Volunteer Opportunity
Our sincere apologies for the starts and stops related to the concessions stand volunteer opportunities. In the interest of safety, the stand was not opened when we were hoping due to COVID. It looks like we’re now ready for launch!

Traditionally, Upper School families have volunteered to run the stand. Since many families are looking for a chance to get into school and connect more with MPA, we were wondering if ALL families would like to help. Lower or Middle School students are welcome to participate with a parent/guardian. Upper School students can earn Service Hours. Thanks for considering this fun volunteering opportunity! Spots are limited so sign up today.

Volunteer shifts are available on February 8, 11, 12, 14, 22 and 25. You can learn more details and sign up here.

February Walks
Join Michelle Mick Fridays starting February 11 for a little brisk walk around MPA grounds. Look for Michelle and her black Suburban with the MPA sticker on it just after drop off.

SnoDaze All-School Nature Walk, Dodge Nature Center, February 22, 3:45-5:45 PM,
Let’s kick off the week of SnoDaze, and celebrate the joy of winter in Minnesota! Bundle up the family and meet at Dodge Nature Center after school on February 22. Their naturalist will take MPA Families on a winter exploration of the grounds. We will end with some free time to gather around the bonfire to chat, as well as kick-sled across the frozen ponds. This is an all-school event, so if your students are busy with other activities, parents are welcome to come and enjoy winter’s splendor without kids in tow. RSVP to Staci Banks,

Microfunding Grants
Looking for Microfunding for your club or classroom? It’s not too late to apply for these PA grants. Please send your applications to Natalie King, our micro-funding chair at Applications can be found here.

Keep the Spring Break Vibes Alive, March 25, 1:15-2:15 PM, Yogafresh
Save the date for some self-care and community connection! In March, Yogafresh,, will offer a tailored class experience for MPA parents that weaves gentle movement, breathing and meditation into the practice with some additional tools and resources to tap into when things feel stressful at home (or work). There will be more details on this event as we get closer to March, as things are COVID-situation dependent.

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