ShaunWhat position will you be holding at MPA?
Business Office Assistant/Transportation Coordinator

From what school/organization are you coming?
Sacred Heart Catholic School

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I have acquired many skills throughout my career including but not limited to accounts payable, accounts receivable, administration, bookkeeping, human resources & management.

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
My first person of contact was Shian. She went above & beyond to find an interview time & date that would work for everyone which was impressive. The staff that interviewed me were very friendly & welcoming. It was appealing to see how well they functioned as a team.

What’s your big dream?
I don’t have a big dream. I choose to live everyday to the fullest!

What are you (and your family, if you so choose) passionate about?
I am most passionate about my family. My children & my granddaughter are my entire world & I am grateful for each & every one of them.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I’m a total people person & I LOVE to laugh!

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