Jackie LynchWhat position will you be holding at MPA?
Substitute Teacher

From what school/organization are you coming?
Minneapolis Japanese School

Tell us about your education and past experience.
Originally from Japan, I studied abroad at the College of St. Benedict in Minnesota for my Bachelor’s Degree (2000), and earned my Master’s in Early Childhood Education from the University of Sheffield in England (2008). I relocated to Japan in 2001 and had extensive experience teaching PreK classrooms, leading teams, and directing international schools. I moved back to Minnesota in 2015 and have been a lead teacher at Minneapolis Japanese School since 2018.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
Walking the halls and exploring the website, I was struck by the positivity, inclusion, and diversity of the students, staff, and curriculum. There is an energy within the MPA community that I want to experience and contribute to.

What’s your big dream?
It has been my dream to be a teacher since I can remember. To be able to positively impact students from all parts of the globe would exceed that initial childhood dream.

What are you (and your family, if you so choose) passionate about?
Our family loves to travel. We enjoy interacting with the community and eating local food. At home in Japan or Minnesota, we love experiencing the weather and activities of the 4 seasons such as skiing in the winter, cherry blossom viewing in the spring, camping in the summer, and hikes at the College of St. Ben’s/St. John’s University and Duluth/Grand Marais. Cooking a nice meal and listening to music on Saturdays is our go-to when relaxing at home.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I have three children, each of whom was born in a different country: Japan, Singapore, and U.S.

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