from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I was taken aback yesterday morning when I drove into the north parking lot at 6:10 AM and saw it was filled with cars. I am used to being the first one at school in the morning and was completely disoriented. Then I remembered that this year’s senior class began a new tradition, gathering in the Benz Courtyard together at sunrise to launch their senior year. My first reaction was, “Only at MPA!.” This new tradition, initiated by the seniors, is a wonderful example of what makes MPA such a special school.

I want to officially welcome you to a new school year! I especially welcome our new families who have recently joined the MPA family. It was wonderful to meet and greet so many of you at the Back To School and New Family Orientation event. The deep-seated spirit of joyfulness and community was palpable, and although I was exhausted, it was hard for me to fall asleep Monday night. After two years of health and safety restrictions, it was gratifying to be back together and in person.

In my welcoming remarks to new families, I spoke of the strong partnership between parents and the school. In many independent schools, this special relationship tends to be transactional, built upon the expectation of reciprocity, of both parties getting what they want from one another. I have long felt that the relationship between MPA parents and school is more transformational. In a transformational relationship, there exists a mutual trust built upon shared values and a belief that an MPA education is a partnership in our children’s ongoing growth and development.

After 32 years, I still begin each new year with unbounded optimism, confident that what lies ahead are endless possibilities. New beginnings still hold their magic for me, and this year is no different. We have much to celebrate—wonderful new and returning students and their families, and incredible new and returning faculty and staff. MPA teachers and staff touch the hearts and minds of our students each day. Together, we stand united with you in a shared belief that education is fundamentally an act of hope and that by investing in our children, we are indeed building a better future for our world.

Thank you for entrusting your children to us.

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