from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School division director

Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
Every other week the Middle School News and Notes will come to you in the Panther Post with highlights of upcoming events, information about what’s happening in our neck of the woods, the all-important list of dates for your family calendar, and usually a little about what I’m thinking about or what may be helpful to you as you move through this parenting-of-middle-schoolers journey together. I hope you’ll look for them each week and that they are helpful!

Study Hall and Panther Den
A few years ago, now we began offering a one-hour study hall immediately after school (3:10-4 PM). It was a huge success as it offers students a quiet, structured, and monitored place to get some work done before heading home for the evening. I have seen happy parents with less homework to manage at night and have heard students gleefully share the list of assignments or tasks they were able to finish in just the short 50 minutes with real focus and attention.

For study hall to be productive and helpful, we share the following expectations with students:

  1. No cell phones are allowed. The same rules that apply during the regular school day apply in study hall. Cell phones should be “off-and-away”.
  2. No earbuds/listening to music while working. I have explained to students that research and science on the brain and learning teaches us that when we focus on fewer things, even one at a time, we work more efficiently and more successfully. Music is a distraction to manage and 45 minutes with no music or distraction can make for a much more productive time.
  3. Games or videos on school computers are also not allowed – this is a quiet time to get homework finished or to read a book. The teachers supervising study hall can direct computers be put away completely if needed.
  4. Collaborative/group work is not ideal for this setting and students should be encouraged to work on independent tasks as much as is possible.
  5. Students may bring a quiet and not-messy snack to study hall, if they’d like.

I want to thank you, in advance, for reinforcing these positive strategies at home. As a faculty in the Middle School, we want to support positive study and self-management practices as they will well serve the students for the many years of education ahead of them.

Finally, I ask that you please park and make your way to room 150-151 to meet your student when you are ready to take them home. This enables us to ensure that there is consistent supervision of your student after school and that they are met safely when they depart at the end of the day. If a student is not picked up by 4 PM, they are signed-in at Panther Den and you will be billed accordingly through TADS.

NOTE: Study Hall does not happen on the day before long breaks/holidays. I will always inform you ahead of time, as well as the students if Study Hall is not being held so you can make alternate after school arrangements.

Middle School Volleyball and Soccer
Practices start today (September 1), and you should have received an email from the Athletic Office with more detailed instructions. If you did not receive a communication, or if you have questions, please email Dawn Zimmerman (

  • Middle School practices are from 3:15-4:45 PM on campus. Busses are not available at 4:45 PM, so if your student is participating in sports, transportation will need to be arranged.
  • Please send snacks with your student to eat prior to practice and a WATER BOTTLE! They work hard and are often hungry and thirsty after school.
  • Remember to have a plan for pick-up after practice that involves them going to their hallway locker to retrieve their backpacks/laptops, if needed.

We anticipate having game schedules very soon and are excited to have some outstanding athletic seasons!

Mrs. Lassonde and the Middle School Office
Mrs. Lassonde is our Middle School Assistant – otherwise known as the Middle School magic-maker and knower of all things! Please get to know her and her contact information.

Mrs. Lassonde (pronounced “La-ssone”) is available by email at and by phone at (651) 748-5565. We need to hear from you if you need an early dismissal or late arrival for an appointment, an absence from classes, or have any other questions or concerns, please reach out.

Ms. Meras – New Middle School Dean
I am delighted to share the leadership of our division with Ms. Patti Meras. Patti is a veteran teacher, emerging leader, and an exceptional human being. Her role as Middle School dean is to help build community, support students, build shared expectations and vision, and to further build on MPA’s extraordinary commitment to ensuring that all students feel cared for, nurtured, and valued. Patti will be serving this year as a new member of the administrative team at MPA, and you are welcome to reach out to her anytime with a question, concern, need for support, or just to get to know her!

Patti’s office is just across from the Family Commons, and she can be reached by email at I hope you’ll join me in welcoming her warmly!

Overnight Class Trips—Coming Soon!
Travel is back and we’re looking forward to some grand adventures. All parents and families in grades five, six, and eight received an email last week with trip details and dates. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the teacher leader of each trip.

  • Grade 5 Overnight Wednesday, September 21 to Friday, September 23
    Trip Leader: Ms. Nagle (
  • Grade 6 Overnight Monday, September 12 to Wednesday, September 14
    Trip Leader: Ms. Hauble (
  • Grade 8 Overnight Monday, September 26 to Wednesday, September 28
    Trip Leader: Mr. Milam (
  • Students in Grade 7 will be traveling to Washington DC in May 2023! If you have not registered, please contact me to receive registration links and details.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
We are looking forward to hosting in-person parent-teacher conferences in just a couple of weeks. Please check your email next week with conference registration details, dates, and deadlines.

Fall conferences are scheduled for the following dates, for all divisions!

  • Thursday, September 29: 3:30-7PM
  • Thursday, October 6: 3:30-8PM
  • Friday, October 7: 8 AM-4 PM (no classes this day)

Save The Date: Middle and Upper School Curriculum Night!
We are excited to welcome all Middle School families to campus on Monday, September 19, 6:30-8 PM, for Curriculum Night 2022.

This is a night for new and returning parents and guardians to come to school to meet their child’s teachers and learn about the school year ahead. Teachers will share key components of the curriculum, the progression of grade level skills, classroom expectations, and outline developmentally responsive aspirations for students socially, emotionally, and academically. Teachers will also offer tips on parent-teacher communication, homework support, and organization techniques to help parents best guide their student through the school year.

Have a wonderful long weekend and take care of one another!

Important Dates and Notable Events

  • September 1: MPA Ice Cream Social
  • September 2: Teacher professional development day (no classes)
  • September 5: Labor Day (no classes)
  • September 12: Picture Day!
    • Grade 6 Overnight, departs
    • Middle School Show Auditions
  • September 16: Middle School Homecoming Games Day!
  • September 19: MS/US New Parent Dinner and Curriculum Night
  • September 21: Grade 5 Overnight, departs
  • September 26: Grade 8 Overnight, departs
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