from Ann Jurewicz, Lower School director

As we bid ‘Adieu’ to the warm weather and morning sunrises on our way to school and hunker down into our warm woolies and routine school practices, we are beginning to see some real growth and development in our Lower School kiddos! It was a joy to share with parents the great accomplishments MPA students have made so far and collaborate with you on positive learning and behavior goals for the rest of the school year. We feel blessed to have such wonderful families to partner for a great school team! Please do reach out with any thoughts, ideas or insights as we take this journey together for your child(ren).

CHAMP Assembly—Respectful

We had our second CHAMP Assembly of the school year led by Ms. Satiago’s Kindergarten and Mr. Wilson’s grade 4 classes. They played a video in which they demonstrated how we have circles of love in our lives with people (and pets) we care about and who care about us. We also learned that it is important to make your circle bigger by opening yourself to new friends and including others who would like to be in our circle. As we continue to focus on TOGETHER throughout this school year, we are choosing one value a month that encompasses some of the CHAMP attributes at MPA. This month is Respectful and includes respect, integrity and inclusiveness. We welcome you to reiterate the value of being respectful at home and connect it for students with our message here at school.

Grandparents and Special Friends’ Day – Wednesday, October 19, 8:30-11:30 AM

MPA is getting excited to welcome grandparents and special friends in less than one week! After coffee, treats, and a welcome from Dr. Hudson in the Family Commons, Lower School guests will have a chance to visit homerooms and see two specialist classes. The event culminates with a musical concert for everyone from our K-6 students. Special thanks go to Mari Espeland and Joque Warner for their leadership. Please remember to RSVP as space is filling up fast!

NOTE!—October 19 is an Early Release Day (11:30 AM) and students will be excused from school at the end of the musical concert.

Parent Opportunities to Connect!

Parent Chat, Wednesday, October 26, 8:15-9:15 AM—Creating Success for All Students

Dr. J. will be joined by Dr. Jules Nolan, leader of MPA’s counseling team to offer this parent presentation on the many ways teachers, specialists, and assistants are providing tiered systems of support for student learning differences and social-emotional needs. Dr. J. will be video casting a message prior to the in-person presentation on October 26. The presentation will be recorded and there will be time for parents to ask questions. We invite you to grab a coffee in the Family Commons after drop-off and then join us from 8:15-9:15. We are excited to share this important information with you!

Parent Chat, Wednesday, November 2, 8:15-9:15 AM

I would like to offer an informal Parent Coffee get-together to meet, greet and socialize with me and with one another on Wednesday, November 2, 8:15-9:15 AM in the Library. I hope to see you there!

Middle School Transition—Thursday, November 10, 8:15 AM

While it might seem too early to be thinking about next year, our fourth graders will be looking toward their transition to Middle School before we know it. Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School Director, is offering the first of several informal meetings to learn more about Middle School at MPA, share dreams and worries, and ask questions. Please mark your calendar for Thursday, November 10, at 8:15 AM. We will have coffee and hot tea and some light breakfast refreshments available. No need to RSVP, just join us if you can! If there are specific questions or topics you’d like to be addressed, you can email those to Dr. Jenn Milam,

Halloween is Coming!—Friday, October 28

The Lower School is thrilled to be collaborating with MPA’s Parents’ Association to offer Halloween fun and games this year. Students are invited to wear their costumes to school on Friday, October 28 and the PA will have games for them in the Lansing Sports Center during their PE time. We are capping off the day with a Lower School parade to showcase costumes and have a ghost of a good time!

The following are guidelines for Halloween costumes at MPA:

Weapons or items that are made in the likeness to represent weapons, are not allowed. These can include, but are not limited to, guns, swords, pitchforks, knives, pocketknives, and/or spears.

Masks that completely cover a student’s face and head are not allowed. A student needs to be able to be recognized at school, participate in classes throughout the day, and not have their identity obscured by their costume.

Symbols, words, or other representations that are currently, or have been historically used to trigger and/or discount others’ identities are not allowed. These can include, but are not limited to symbols of white supremacy, gang affiliation, racial or ethnic tokenism, homophobia or transphobia, and ableism.

#IAmNotACostume: A Note About Cultural Appropriation

As our young people begin selecting costumes, it is important that we are sensitive to issues of cultural appropriation. “Cultural Appropriation is the act of taking significant elements (symbols, dress, words, practices, etc.) from a culture that is not your own and removing all original context or meaning, usually with the goal of using these elements for entertainment, marketing, or exploitation.” ( When selecting a costume for Halloween, we ask that you engage your student in a conversation about the purpose of their costume (Is it just for fun? Or is there an underlying message behind it?), ask them to consider if anyone may take offense to their costume and the representation it suggests (Is it possible that others may view the costume as a mockery of a particular culture? Does the costume seek to make a token of traditional cultural symbols not held by your family culture?) and encourage them to reflect upon the way that their costume may be experienced by those around them, thus seeking to build empathy and critical thinking – two values we hold dear here at MPA.

We want Halloween to be a fun, imaginative, and magical celebration of the fall season in a way that not only values the childhood experience but, so too, those cultures, (re)presentations, symbols, and traditions deeply held and honored by each of us in our unique lived experiences.

For more information on cultural appropriation and Halloween costumes, you might find some of these links helpful:

Laurier Students’ Public Interest Research Group

Important Dates Ahead

October 18, 6-7 PM Lights On Afterschool – Raptor Center Presentation
October 19, GPSF Day (morning), 11:30 AM early dismissal
October 20-21, Fall Break – NO CLASSES
October 26, 8:15 AM Parent Chat on Creating Success for All Students
October 28, HALLOWEEN at MPA! – Parade at 2:30 PM
November 4, ISACS Conference – NO CLASSES
November 16, 6-8 PM Panther Club Family Movie Night

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