from Ann Jurewicz, Lower School director

Important Dates and Upcoming Events
February 21-24: SnoDaze Week
February 27: Lower School Progress Reports mailed home
February 27: CHAMP Assembly (rescheduled from February 22)
March 6-17: MPA Spring Break
March 20: Classes Resume
March 20: Monday Morning Meeting
March 30: Lower School Arts and Music Program
April 3: Grading Day – No classes for students
April 27: 4th Grade World Language Day
April 28: Professional Development – No classes for students
May 1-5: Lower School Sports Week

A couple of weeks ago, the faculty and staff at MPA had the pleasure of hearing from our school’s contracted psychologist, Dr. Jules Nolan, on ways staff and students can develop motivation in our daily lives. As we are in the throes of another mid-winter storm and the light of spring is still a way off, I thought it appropriate to share with our parent community some of the wisdom and support from Dr. Jules. The topics cover much more than motivation and each of these resources can help you feel better prepared as a parent in doing the very best for your child.

Exceptional Children
Parenting children with educational and behavioral differences can be rewarding AND challenging. Even children who are gifted and talented present special challenges in parenting. In this session we will discuss parenting children who have diverse needs because of educational, behavioral, and mental health challenges, as well as those who may need more enrichment.

New Articles from Freethinker
The latest edition of the MPA Upper School online newspaper, the Freethinker, is available. Please take a moment to see what’s new here.

Teaching Children with Specific Learning Needs
Teachers understand the importance of meeting children “where they are” in the classroom. Yet, it can become especially difficult for us when the learning and behavioral needs of each child seem so varied. In this session you will learn concrete classroom and teaching strategies to help all children thrive.

Postponed! Middle School Matters: A Community Book Study!
Thank you for your flexibility in delaying the start of our book study together. Below, you’ll see our new dates with a TBD for our final meeting. I’m hoping we might plan an evening, in-person gathering to celebrate our learnings together and the end of the school year.

Until then—keep reading and we’ll see you after spring break in ZOOM world!

Middle School is a time of rapid changes, new experiences, and sometimes, perplexing encounters in a new world in which we (parents!) did not grow up! In partnership with Ms. Cooper, our school counselor, and Ms. Meras, our new Middle School Dean, I will be hosting a community book study this spring. We will do a shared reading of Middle School Matters: The 10 Key Skills Kids Need to Thrive in Middle School and Beyond—and How Parents Can Help by Phyllis L. Fagell.

We will meet four times, in alignment with the four sections of the text, via ZOOM, to discuss, share, wonder, worry, ponder, and problem-solve alongside teachers, experts, and other community members the mystery and magnificence of the middle school years. We invite you to have dinner with your family, put your feet up, pour a drink of something you enjoy, and meet us online, the following dates at 7:30 PM, from the comfort of your living room!

  • Wednesday, April 19, 2023 (Social Skills)
  • Thursday, May 18, 2023 (Learning)
  • Final Session—TBD (Empowerment and Resilience)

We will have guest speakers and experts for each of the four sections of the text and will share our own personal journey in raising spirited, well-balanced, resilient, kind, and good humans.

You can purchase the book in any format of your choosing, and in whatever way you’d like. Here are a few options:

Or you can check it out at your local library!

You can also just drop in for a listen, join the conversation, and build community. I am hoping with a later evening gathering time, and the flexibility of ZOOM, that we’ll have the opportunity to connect and grow our community in a way that makes space for the various family and scheduling demands we all juggle.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 332 737 0417
Password: MSMatters!

You can also just drop in for a listen, join the conversation, and build community. I am hoping with a later evening gathering time, and the flexibility of ZOOM, that we’ll have the opportunity to connect and grow our community in a way that makes space for the various family and scheduling demands we all juggle.

Please let us know if you’ll be joining us here.

Warmly, Ann Jurewicz

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